iPhone keyboard globe icon doesn't appear in my app

I have a user in Russia saying that when he clicks a text field in my app (either a UITextField or UITextView), on his iOS 12.0.1 iPhone, his on-screen keyboard only displays the English alphabet and the globe icon for switching keyboards no longer appears (just the emoji button). He sent screen shots showing that this isn't a problem in Apple apps and other third-party apps. And he says the problem just started a few weeks ago.

I've released a few updates in that time, but I looked at my code diffs and don't see anything that seems related to this, nor am I aware of anything my app could do to affect this if I wanted to. I enabled the Russian keyboard on my iPhone and the globe icon appears for switching keyboards as expected.

Does anyone have an idea of what could be happening here?

Seems ou are not the only one having trouble with russian (or chinese) keyboard.


I would advise you file a bug report, mentionning as well this thread.

Thanks to report bug number here.

I asked this user to wait and check it in iOS 12.1, but in the meantime he reinstalled the app and then the Russian keyboard appeared normally. I'd still like to know if iOS 12.1 fixed this before submitting a bug report. But this is the only user who has contacted me about it.

iPhone keyboard globe icon doesn't appear in my app