SwiftUI Email message body - line or carriage return?

Hi all,

I am trying to get the "Time on: 1244" "Time in: 1248" and "Fuel on board: 1.9" to show up on separate lines in the email message body generated by my SwiftUI App.

I tried using a "+" between each but that didn't work...

MailView(result: self.$result, newSubject: "Arrival Report - TEST", newMsgBody: "Time on: (onTime)" + "Time in: (inTime)" + "Fuel on board: (fuelRemaining)")

      Any suggestions?

Thanks for your time.


Did you try "\n"?

As in:

"Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3"


"Time on: \(onTime)\nTime in: \(inTime)\nFuel on board: \(fuelRemaining)"

Not sure how to incorporate your suggestion actually. Can you show me how to use "\n" in my String?

Thanks for your quick reply.


Did the trick.

Really appreciate this.
