NSApplicationDelegate openURLs never called

Hi, I have an existing AppKit-based Mac app that I have been working on for a few years. For a new feature, I wanted to have the app opened by a different app, so I setup the URL scheme under CFBundleURLTypes in my Info.plist, and adopted this delegate callback:  

- (void)application: (NSApplication *)application openURLs:(nonnull NSArray<NSURL *> *)urls

Now when I invoke the URL from the 2nd app, it opens my app correctly, BUT this delegate method isn't called. What's interesting is that if I make a totally new app with a URL scheme and adopt this delegate method, it gets called without a problem!

SO what about my original project could be responsible for this 'opensURLs' method to not be called? I've been searching for a solution for a couple of days without any luck. The macOS app's target has a Deployment Target of 10.15 and I'm running this on macOS12.0 with Xcode 13.

Did you work out what was happening? I've run into the same perplexing behavior.

I also have this problem. I really have no idea what i am missing here.

NSApplicationDelegate openURLs never called