WKExtensionsDelegateClassName is Invalid in info.plist

So I am banging my head, I realized my stand along Watch App had a STUPID long name of "App Name - WatchKit App" so I went into my Target and changed the Display Name to "App Name" removing WatchKit App. Well now my app won't validate when uploading to the Appstore. I get the message - Invalid Info.plist key. The key WKExtensionDelegateClassName in bundle App Name.app/Watch/App Name WatchKit App.app is invalid. 

My Info.plist has the value of


I have confirmed that I have  @WKExtensionDelegateAdaptor(ExtensionDelegate.self) var delegate in my @main for the SwiftUI App. And when I print a few values in my app launch I get the following confirmations:

Super Init - ExtensionDelegate
applicationDidFinishLaunching for watchOS
Super Init - ExtensionDelegate
applicationDidBecomeActive for watchOS
update complication

I create three classes at launch and print this in the log with print(ExtensionDelegate.shared.Setup as Any) , etc. The other lines are just confirming where I am at app startup.

This is a WatchOS8 application and I am running Xcode version Version 13.1 (13A1030d).

Is there any additional information required that would help point me in the right direction?

Same here, any solution?

WKExtensionsDelegateClassName is Invalid in info.plist