Application circumvented Objective-C runtime dealloc initiation for <%s> object

I encountered an error in iOS16.0beta4 version "Application circumvented objective-c runtime dealloc initiation for <%s> object", The same code is fine in iOS16.0beta1. I tried a lot of things, but it still didn't work. By looking at the error, we find that the error occurred in the Dealloc assertion of UIView.m#4628.


me to, Have you solved the problem

We have the same issue in new XCode Version 14.0 beta 5 (14A5294e) Any solution?

App works on XCode 13 perfectly.

We also have the same issue in new Xcode Version 14.0. We have checked the Categroy of UIView and UIViewController but don't find any problems. Can you show your real problems and detailed solution?

*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'Application circumvented Objective-C runtime dealloc initiation for <%s> object.' terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException same UIView.m#4628

Have you solved the problem? help me.

Application circumvented Objective-C runtime dealloc initiation for &lt;%s&gt; object