Bug in NavigationCookbook sample: builtInRecipes are missing their IDs

I noticed a problem with the NavigationCookbook sample code. The builtInRecipes array containing Recipe models without IDs which means state restoration fails because the recipes have new unique IDs every time the app is launched (there is a let id = UUID() in Recipe). The problem is in NavigationCookbook/Models/DataModel

private let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = {
    var recipes = [
        "Apple Pie": Recipe(
            name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: applePie.ingredients),

Should be

let builtInRecipes: [Recipe] = {
    var recipes = [
        "Apple Pie": Recipe(
            id: UUID(uuidString: "E35A5C9C-F1EA-4B3D-9980-E2240B363AC8")!,
            name: "Apple Pie", category: .dessert,
            ingredients: Ingredient.fromLines(applePie)),

And the same thing for all the other built-in recipes in the array. The builtInRecipes containing ids can be found in the Code tab in the Developer app for this samples WWDC session video:


I also submitted this as feedback FB11744612