UISplitViewController column-style, bug in setViewController?

&TLDR; I see no documentation stating that during the life of UISplitViewController, that I cannot call setViewController(xxxxx, column) more than once on the same column. Yet in my experience calling it a second time does not work, unless I set the value to nil before calling it again to set it to the new value...

I'm using a UISplitViewController in newer column-style layout and when bootstrapping the app, I create the UISplitViewController and use setViewController(primaryViewController, .primary) and setViewController(detailViewController, .secondary).

In order to use the primaryViewController for the compact scenario, I return the .primary column in the UISplitViewControllerDelegate method:

splitViewController(_ svc: UISplitViewController, topColumnForCollapsingToProposedTopColumn proposedTopColumn: UISplitViewController.Column) -> UISplitViewController.Column 

Tapping a cell in the primaryViewController, results in a call to splitViewController.show(.secondary)

This works for both split view (primary + secondary) as well as in compact mode.

Tapping a cell in the secondary viewController results in pushing a new sub-detail onto the navigation sack. Again so far so good.

If I switch back to split mode (primary+secondary) it still looks good with secondary showing the sub-detail.

If I then collapse into compact view, the primary is once again shown. If I tap a different cell in the primary, the same call to: splitViewController.show(.secondary) results in the sub-detail viewController being shown. Instead, I want the secondary to show the detail for the new selected cell...not the sub-detail of the prior cell.

To fix this, I popped the navigation stack for the secondary to rootViewController

if secondaryNavigationController.topViewController as? DetailViewController == nil {
             secondaryNavigationController.popToRootViewController(animated: false)

next, I attempted to replace splitViewController's secondary viewController by assigning the secondaryNavigationController which now has the DetailViewController as the top (and only) viewController.

splitViewController.setViewController(secondaryNavigationController, for: .secondary)

after this assignment, calling splitViewController.viewController(for: .secondary)

returns the old sub-detail viewController, not the expected DetailViewController!

IMO this is a bug.

I found the following solution. First set it to nil, then set it to the desired value.

splitViewController.setViewController(nil, for: .secondary)
            splitViewController.setViewController(secondaryNavigationController, for: .secondary)
UISplitViewController column-style, bug in setViewController?