Swift Charts: chartScrollTargetBehavior fails to snap to a day unit

I am working on a scrollable chart that displays days on the horizontal axis. As the user scrolls, I always want them to be able to snap to a specific day. I implemented the following steps described in this WWDC23 session to achieve this.

  1. I have set the chartScrollTargetBehavior to .valueAligned(matching: DateComponents(hour: 0))
  2. I have set the x value unit on the BarMark to Calendar.Component.day

I ended up with the chart code that looks like this:

Chart(dates, id: \.self) { date in
        x: .value("Date", date, unit: Calendar.Component.day),
        y: .value("Number", 1)
    .annotation {
.chartXAxis {
    AxisMarks(format: .dateTime.day())
.chartScrollTargetBehavior(.valueAligned(matching: DateComponents(hour: 0)))
.chartXVisibleDomain(length: fifteenDays)
.chartScrollPosition(x: $selection)

However, this fails to work reliably. There is often a situation where the chart scroll position lands on, for instance, Oct 20, 11:56 PM, but the chart snaps to Oct 21.

I attempted to solve this problem by introducing an intermediate binding between a state value and a chart selection. This binding aims to normalize the selection always to be the first moment of any given date. But this hasn't been successful.

private var selectionBinding: Binding<Date> {
    Binding {
        Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: selection)
    } set: { newValue in
        self.selection = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: newValue)

It's also worth mentioning that this issue also exists in Apple's sample project on Swift Charts.

How would you approach solving this? How can I find a way to make the chart scroll position blind to time values and only recognize whole days?

Here's the minimal reproducible example project for your reference.

There's currently no supported way for you to have the scrollPosition value bind to a specific time unit with the APIs currently available.

If you'd like us to consider adding the necessary functionality, please file an enhancement request using Feedback Assistant. Once you file the request, please post the FB number here.

If you're not familiar with how to file enhancement requests, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Swift Charts: chartScrollTargetBehavior fails to snap to a day unit