SF symbol effects don't work unless font modifier is applied

why do I need to set the font of an image of an SF symbol to get the effect to work? This should be a bug, it's bad behavior. Xcode 16.1 iOS 18.1, so frustrating.

for example: this works

Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
                        .symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous), value: isActive)
                        .onAppear() {
                            isActive = true

but this does not animate, which makes no sense

Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
                        .symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous), value: isActive)
                        .onAppear() {
                            isActive = true

its the same if you use a simple setup and different font size, and whether font is before or after the symbol effect

Image(systemName: "arrow.trianglehead.2.clockwise.rotate.90.circle.fill")
                                .font(.headline) // only works if this line is here
                                .symbolEffect(.rotate, options: .repeat(.continuous))

And the "funniest" thing is if you use .font(.body), which is the default, it doesn't work either. Nevertheless, thanks for pointing out, spent an hour getting the cause.

SF symbol effects don't work unless font modifier is applied