Suppressing contextual menu on AVPlayerView in SwiftUI app

My app plays videos. At first I used SwiftUI’s VideoPlayer, but that didn't give me enough control over the underlying AVPlayerView, so I created my own NSViewRepresentable. That works well, and I can adjust the AVPlayerView as I see fit.

But it seems to have a contextual menu that still appears instead of the one I try to apply using SwiftUI. If I put a non-opaque color over the AVPlayerView in a ZStack, I'm able to then add a .contextMenu that works, but only if the color is non-opaque (e.g. Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0, opacity: 0.00001)). This feels like a pretty hacky solution, and doesn’t work if I set opacity: to 0.

Is there a better way to keep AVPlayerView from handling events? It also gets scroll events (which scrubs through the movie) that I'd like to suppress.

Suppressing contextual menu on AVPlayerView in SwiftUI app