Electron Builder Notarization Issue

I'm having issues with notarizing my Electron app using electron-builder. The build process works, but notarization gets hung up on submitting to Apple.


  • electron: 33.2.1
  • electron-builder: 24.9.1
  • @electron/notarize: 2.3.2
  • macOS runner: macos-latest

Current Setup

  • Using GitHub Actions for CI/CD
  • Developer ID Application certificate is properly installed and verified
  • Apple ID credentials are confirmed working (verified via altool)
  • Notarization is configured in both package.json and build arguments


2024-12-29T18:56:37.198Z electron-notarize:spawn spawning cmd: xcrun args: [ '--find', 'notarytool' ] opts: {}
2024-12-29T18:56:38.652Z electron-notarize:spawn cmd xcrun terminated with code: 0
2024-12-29T18:56:38.653Z electron-notarize:notarytool starting notarize process for app: /Users/runner/work/***/***/dist/mac-arm64/***.app
2024-12-29T18:56:38.653Z electron-notarize:helpers doing work inside temp dir: /var/folders/95/0ydz4d79163427j3k5crp3fh0000gn/T/electron-notarize-KxNa7e
2024-12-29T18:56:38.653Z electron-notarize:notarytool zipping application to: /var/folders/95/0ydz4d79163427j3k5crp3fh0000gn/T/electron-notarize-KxNa7e/***.zip
2024-12-29T18:56:38.654Z electron-notarize:spawn spawning cmd: ditto args: [
] opts: { cwd: '/Users/runner/work/***/***/dist/mac-arm64' }
2024-12-29T18:56:47.906Z electron-notarize:spawn cmd ditto terminated with code: 0
2024-12-29T18:56:47.906Z electron-notarize:notarytool zip succeeded, attempting to upload to Apple
2024-12-29T18:56:47.906Z electron-notarize:spawn spawning cmd: xcrun args: [
] opts: {}

This is the farthest I've been able to get after pushing through many errors.. I set a timeout of 3 hours and this will now be my 4th time attempting I believe.



json "mac": { "hardenedRuntime": true, "gatekeeperAssess": false, "entitlements": "build/entitlements.mac.plist", "entitlementsInherit": "build/entitlements.mac.plist", "notarize": { "teamId": "APPLE_TEAM_ID WAS MANUALLY PUT HERE AFTER ISSUES WITH SECRETS" } }

GitHub Actions Workflow

Using samuelmeuli/action-electron-builder@v1 with proper environment variables for APPLE_ID, APPLE_TEAM_ID, and APPLE_APP_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD.

What I've Tried

  1. Verified Apple Developer account access and Team ID
  2. Confirmed certificate installation works
  3. Tested credentials using altool (successfully lists providers)
  4. Added explicit notarization environment variables

Any help would be appreciated!

I'm having the exact same problem, did you manage to resolve it/figure out what was going wrong?

I saw that many other people on the internet were struggling with issues of it being "In Progress" for ages, and that it was an issue particually for new Apple Developer accounts. Is you account new?

Electron Builder Notarization Issue