EKCalendarChooser and Siri Suggestions

When using EKCalendarChooser it shows a list of calendars that the user can select, however it shows the Siri Suggestions calendar but theres no way to access it. Are supposed to be able to access the Siri Suggestions calendar as a regular EKCalendar? If yes is there a way to persist the selection (currently you can select the Siri Suggestions calendar [as shown in the image] but it doesn't have an actual id so it doesn't persist)?

Also when getting EventStore.calendars(for: .event) it doesnt return an EKCalendar for Siri Suggestions, only for all the other calendars. This leads me to believe we can't access it, which in that case why is it shown on the EKCalendarChooser and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide it.

Also is there a way to hide the AddCalendar Button in the bottom left?

Are supposed to be able to access the Siri Suggestions calendar as a regular EKCalendar?

You aren't supposed to.

This leads me to believe we can't access it, which in that case why is it shown on the EKCalendarChooser and there doesn't seem to be a way to hide it.

This is an unexpected behavior. The fact that the Siri Suggestions calendars appear in the list is a bug. Please file a bug report using Feedback Assistant, then post the Feedback number here.

Also is there a way to hide the AddCalendar Button in the bottom left?

No. If you would like for Apple to consider adding support for such feature, please submit your suggestion request via Feedback Assistant. For more information on Feedback Assistant, please visit https://developer.apple.com/bug-reporting.

EKCalendarChooser and Siri Suggestions