Apple Vision Pro - Homonymous Hemianopia

Individuals with a stroke can end up with vision impairments: specifically Homonymous Hemianopia which basically means the individual has lost sight in (as an example) the left half of both eyes. I'm interested in understanding if it would be possible to help individuals with this vision impairment by providing an accessibility config within the Apple Vision Pro which would first determine an individuals field of view (possibly by showing a field of dots across the entire "screen" and having the individual look at the dot and click. Based on the results of this field of view, this would determine how the screen would be presented to the user moving forward.

My mom (82 years old) had a stroke recently and was diagnosed with Homonymous Hemianopia. She lived on her IPhone and would love to get back the ability to text message, use Facebook, and order items from Amazon.

Please advise if you believe the Apple Vision Pro would be capable of helping in this area with the suggested development, or other thoughts.

Hi BamaMan, thanks for the feedback—please feel free to share this with Feedback Assistant so we can discuss further!

Apple Vision Pro - Homonymous Hemianopia