Making VoiceOver more concise on a SwiftUI Menu

A common UI idiom in Apple's first party iOS apps is a circle icon with three dots in the upper right of the screen. This serves as a pop-up menu of more options. Some examples include:

  • Apple Music, Library tab
  • Photos, Album view
  • Reminders

In all these cases, VoiceOver reads this element as "More, Button".

In my SwiftUI app, I've implemented a visually identical button.

Menu {
    // Button for Menu Item 1
    // Button for Menu Item 2
    // ...
} label: {
    Image(systemName: "")

However, the VoiceOver output in my app is much more verbose. It speaks "More, Button, Pop Up Button, Double Tap To Activate The Picker". Any guidance on how to make this more concise in line with the apps mentioned above?

You might be able to play around with the accessibility hint to get a different result.

Otherwise, please file a feedback report using

Reply with the feedback ID and I'll make sure it gets to the right team. Thanks!

Thanks for your response @Frameworks Engineer!

I explored the .accessibilityHint modifier but in this instance that made the VoiceOver output more verbose.

Feedback ID: FB16354752

Making VoiceOver more concise on a SwiftUI Menu