We are trying to get much more serious about our ability to audit signed code and trace it back to a signing event. We have a signing service that includes a bit of client code that provides a CryptoTokenKit extension to expose the signing certificate to codesign
and Xcode. The private keys are held by the signing service and access is strictly controlled.
The CTK extension is given a message/digest to sign, and from reading TN 3126, I believe this is representative of the code directory. For an audit trail, we can record some metadata about the signing request, such as Git repository, branch, commit SHA, etc., but the only value linked to the thing being signed is this blob.
Later, if we have an app and want to link it back to the signing event, I can't figure out how to find this blob. It's not the CDHash
or any other value I see in the output of codesign -d -vvvvvv
is there a way to recreate that blob given a signed artifact?
The Inside Code Signing technotes have to strike a delicate balance between:
Helping developers understand how this stuff works, and
Discussing too many implementation details
The end result was that they don’t go into minute detail — they’re not a specification of the code signature format! — and I put a big disclaimer at the top of each technote (-:
And with that in mind, let’s look at your specific question:
Not in a way that DTS is prepared to support.
The signing code is in Darwin so you could rummage around there to see what’s what. However, this isn’t something we support because these low-level details of code signing have changed in the past and could well change again in the future.
Having said that, I understand your desire to track the origin of signed artefacts, and it’d be nice if we could create a supported path forward. I encourage you to file an enhancement request that describes what you’re trying to do, why, and what problems you’re hitting.
Please post your bug number, just for the record.
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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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