-[CPListItem handler] timeout?

Hi all!

Based on documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/carplay/cplistitem/handler

If you need to perform asynchronous tasks, dispatch them to a background queue and call the completion closure or completionBlock when they complete.

In a normal case, it works perfectly. But, if it takes "too much", for example, 10 seconds (streaming with retries, app business logic), when I call the "completionBlock" inside "handler" doesn't do anything.

Exists a timeout in "completionBlock"?


Answered by Frameworks Engineer in 822735022

Hi, you are correct - the system does timeout after 10 seconds if the completion block has not been called. Is it common for your app to need more than 10 seconds to process a user's selection? Or can you share more details about when things might take that long? Thanks!

Accepted Answer

Hi, you are correct - the system does timeout after 10 seconds if the completion block has not been called. Is it common for your app to need more than 10 seconds to process a user's selection? Or can you share more details about when things might take that long? Thanks!


Our app plays radio streaming and, by design, has a retries mechanism to ensure if server is down or not. Consists of a first connect attemp, if it fails, a max of 3 retries spaced by 3 seconds, so the total amount could be (not always) a bit more than 10 seconds.

I assume is not possible to increase this timeout.


-[CPListItem handler] timeout?