Live caller id lookup

We are trying to implement live caller id lookup, there is lack of documentation and we would like to understand few blockers that we have:

  1. Based on this documentation page:

    1. What exactly should accept/return these endpoints?. There is no detailed description of the response/request schema for any endpoint.
    2. What are the usage scenarios of the "/key" method? If it is possible to get a more detailed explanation regarding Evaluation Key usage as it is not clear from the available documentation.
  2. Based on this step by step implementation description:

    1. The 6th step: "Authentication server returns the list of public keys (potentially through a proxy)". What is the endpoint path and response format expected by the iOS system? This step refers to calling the '/config' endpoint ?
    1. The 8th step: "Authentication server verifies the User Token and returns the public key that is associated with the User Tier. ..." What is the the endpoint path and request/response format expected by the iOS system?
    1. The 9th step: "The system constructs a Privacy Pass token request using the specific public key. The token request is sent along with the User Token to the authentication server". What is the request/response format expected by the iOS system?
    1. The 11th step: "When a PIR request is made, the system attached an unused Privacy Pass token to the request. The PIR node can use the public key to verify that the token is valid and that assures that the request is authorized". What is the request/response format expected by the iOS system?
  1. On executing refreshPIRParameters fom app I get this error:

LiveCallerIDLookupManager.shared.refreshPIRParameters(forExtensionWithIdentifier: LiveCallerIdExtensionName)

Unable to query status due to errors: server error (<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Access Denied</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>Access Denied</H1>You don't have permission to access "http&#58;&#47;&#47;www&#46;example&#46;com&#47;config" on this server.<P>Reference&#32;&#35;18&#46;cdde00d4&#46;1738074526&#46;3a38870<P>https&#58;&#47;&#47;errors&#46;edgesuite&#46;net&#47;18&#46;cdde00d4&#46;1738074526&#46;3a38870</P></BODY></HTML>)

Why it tries to reach but not our serviceURL or tokenIssuerURL?

Any help would be appreciated.

Live caller id lookup