The Problem
I am trying to implement a pinch-to-zoom feature on images within a UIPageViewController. However, often times when trying to pinch to zoom, the magnification gesture gets overridden by the scrolling gesture built into the UIPageViewController. I'm not sure how to get around this. The Apple Photos app seems to allow pinch to zoom on photos inside a full-page scrolling view without any issue, so I believe it should be possible.
Versions: iOS 17.2.1 - iOS 18.2.1, Swift (SwiftUI), Xcode 15.1
Steps to Reproduce
- Run this sample Xcode project on a physical device:
- Try pinching to zoom on the image. After a few goes at it, you'll likely find that one time it will scroll instead of pinching to zoom. It might take up to a dozen pinches to experience this issue.
What I've Tried
- Making the magnification gesture a high priority gesture.
- Having only one page in the paging view controller.
- Subclassing UIScrollView and conforming to the UIGestureRecognizerDelegate in that subclass, as explained here:
- Using the iOS 17 ScrollView instead. Unfortunately it has the same issue but even worse! It's possible that since this is a native SwiftUI view, people might have solutions to this, but from a brief search I couldn't find any.
- If you set the data source to nil (which indicates that there are no other pages for the paging view controller to scroll to), it does work, but it's not a workable solution since the time you'd want to set the data source to nil is when the user pinches the screen, but you can't know when the user pinches the screen if the gesture doesn't work!
Other Ideas/Workarounds
- We could have some "zoom" mode that temporarily cancels the ability to scroll while zooming. But this seems like not too nice/intuitive of a solution.
- If there is no paging view that Apple provides which could be made compatible with a pinch-to-zoom gesture, it's possible we would have to make a completely custom paging view. But that would be a lot of work I presume, so it's probably not something we would have time for right now.