.presentationDetents not working on iOS 17

Hello, I have the following code:

.sheet(isPresented: $viewModel.isExerciseSelected) {
            ExerciseEditSheetView(viewModel: viewModel)

This code correctly sizes the sheet on my iOS 18 simulator, but does not work on my iOS 17 simulator as well as my actual phone running iOS 17. Instead the sheet always fullscreens. Although its not the end of the world it is pretty annoying. Is there anything I'm missing? Thanks in advance.

@JoeBro Could you verify on a physical device running iOS 18.0 and please open a bug report regarding the issue and include a focus sample project that reproduces the issue.

Please post the FB number here for my reference. If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

.presentationDetents not working on iOS 17