Cosign issue

I am a new macOS developer, and the codesign issue is persistent. I've been trying to resolve it for days. There are two issues:

1.) When downloading and installing frameworks, they are not showing up in Xcode templates.

2.) Regarding codesigning, even though I've installed it on my external drive and placed it in various locations (Library, Templates, Frameworks, Application Contents, macOS Templates and Frameworks) and added through General Libraries in Xcode, persistently encountering issues. I'm experiencing a codesign problem. I've cleaned the build, cleared derived data, downloaded certificates, added them to the access key, and linked the binary. However, the issue persists. Please help me, as this is making the process much more difficult. I've been stuck on this for weeks.

Let’s start out with a very simple test. If you create a new project from the macOS > App template, are you able to build and run it on your Mac. Make sure that the Signing & Capabilities editor shows:

  • “Automatically manage signing” as check in

  • Your team in the Team popup

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
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Cosign issue