WKWebView not scrollable with a physical keyboard

Hello all.

Currently I am trying to get WKWebView to scroll with a physical keyboard and it just will not work. I tried allowsKeyboardScrolling( ) and it did not work. UIWebView works but its no longer supported. Trying to get full keyboard access to work to make our app more accessible but WKWebView does not want to play nice.

Has anyone else had issues trying to use WKWebView with an external keyboard, and if so did you find any solutions? Greatly appreciated!

Thanks for the post.

It appears to be a bug at present. To confirm, it would be beneficial for the engineering team to investigate the issue. What version of iOS?

Don't forget to include the sysdiagnose and the specific model of the keyboard and iOS version. Once you open the bug report, please post the FB number here for my reference.

If you have any questions about filing a bug report, take a look at Bug Reporting: How and Why?

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

Currently we're using iOS 18, and we used both the macbook keyboard (with an iOS simulator) and a Logitech MX Keys Mini keyboard. Thanks for answering!

FB16589097 is the bug report number

WKWebView not scrollable with a physical keyboard