macos 15, savepanel return the wrong path when saving files occasionally

macOS: 15.0 macFUSE: 4.8.3

I am using rclone + macFUSE and mount my netdisk where it has created three subdirectories in its root directory: /user, /share, and /group.

When I save a file to /[root]/user using NSSavePanel and name it test.txt, I expect the file to be saved as:


However, occasionally, the delegate method:

- (BOOL)panel:(id)sender validateURL:(NSURL *)url error:(NSError **)outError {

returns an incorrect path:


This issue only occurs when selecting /user. The same operation works correctly for /share and /group.

Is there any logs I could provide to help solving this issue?

Many thanks!

macos 15, savepanel return the wrong path when saving files occasionally