AppStore submission for Ruby/Glimmer app on MacOS without Xcode


I've repeatedly run into codesigning (and missing provisioning profile) issues for my Ruby/Glimmer app and am looking for ways to troubleshoot this outside of Xcode. The app structure is as follows:
└── Contents
    ├── Info.plist
    ├── MacOS
    │   └── PATHmanager
    ├── PkgInfo
    ├── Resources
    │   └── AppIcon.icns
    ├── _CodeSignature
    │   └── CodeResources
    └── embedded.provisionprofile


I have a Mac mini Apple M2 Pro with macOS Ventura 13.4. Xcode is not used directly, but the underlying command line tools (e.g., codesign, productbuild, pkgutil, xcrun) are run from a custom Ruby script.

xcodebuild -version
Xcode 14.3.1
Build version 14E300c


  1. Is the .app directory and file structure/naming sufficient? If not, can you point me in the direction of a minimal example that does not use Xcode?

  2. Info.plist is an XML text document (not binary), which I believe is in an acceptable format, but how do I lint this file and determine if it contains all of the necessary key/value pairs?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
	<string>PATH manager</string>
	<string>© 2025 Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc.</string>
  1. PATHmanager is a Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64 file created by using Tebako. Does this executable need to be codesigned, or is codesigning the .app folder sufficient?

  2. Does the .app directory need an entitlements file? Here's how I codesign it:

codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose=4 --options runtime --timestamp --sign 'Apple Distribution: Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc. (BXN9N7MNU3)' '/Users/chip/Desktop/distribution/'
  1. Does the PATHmanager binary need an entitlements file? Here's how I codesign it:
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose=4 --options runtime --timestamp --entitlements '/Users/chip/Desktop/PATHmanager.entitlements' --sign 'Apple Distribution: Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc. (BXN9N7MNU3)' '/Users/chip/Desktop/distribution/'

  1. How can I verify what entitlements, if any, are required for codesigning the binary? The PATHmanager.entitlements file is an XML text file containing only the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
  1. Is the embedded.provisionprofile necessary, and if so, how do I know determine if it matches the certificate or entitlements that I'm using? Additionally, is it named and located properly?

  2. I submitted this to the AppStore several weeks ago and the reviewer reported that the executable would not load on their machine (even though it worked on mine.) Is it better for me to release via TestFlight for testing, and if so, do I need to following a separate process for codesigning (i.e., using different entitlements, profiles, certs, etc) when doing so?

I've been playing whack-a-mole with this for too long to mention and am hoping to nail down a better deployment flow, so any suggestions for improvement will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Answered by DTS Engineer in 826040022
Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is the .app directory and file structure/naming sufficient?

It looks reasonable enough. A good place to start with this stuff is Placing Content in a Bundle. If you need more info then create a test project in Xcode, build it, and see what it did.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
how do I lint this file … ?

You can lint it with plutil. Indeed, I recommend you do that.

Actually, my general advice is that you use plutil to convert it to the XML format, which means it’s not just technically correct but in the canonical format.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
and determine if it contains all of the necessary key/value pairs?

It’s hard to answer that, because it depends what you app does. However, a good place to start is with the above-mentioned Xcode project.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
is codesigning the .app folder sufficient?

This is answered by Creating distribution-signed code for macOS. I recommend that you follow the advice there, and in Packaging Mac software for distribution.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Does the .app directory need an entitlements file?

The file itself? No. Entitlements are baked into the program when you sign it. So you might need an .entitlements file as an input to codesign, but you don’t need to include that specific file in your app.

As to whether you need entitlements at all, that very much depends. See below.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Here's how I codesign it:

Don’t use --deep. See --deep Considered Harmful.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
How can I verify what entitlements, if any, are required for codesigning the binary?

There’s no single answer to that question. It depends on what your code does.

However, if you’re distributing on the App Store then, yes, you definitely need the entitlement that enables the App Sandbox.

Also, if you plan to use TestFlight, which you should, see TestFlight, Provisioning Profiles, and the Mac App Store.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is the embedded.provisionprofile necessary

Only if your app uses restricted entitlements. The App Sandox entitlement is not restricted, but the TestFlight ones are.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
how do I know determine if it matches the certificate or entitlements that I'm using?

TN3125 Inside Code Signing: Provisioning Profiles explains that in gory detail.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Additionally, is it named and located properly?

This is another thing covered by Placing Content in a Bundle.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is it better for me to release via TestFlight for testing

Yes. And that does complicate things somewhat, as I mentioned above.

Written by Etresoft in 825899022
The easiest solution is to setup a demo Xcode app with the same name and bundleID and see how Xcode does it.

This is good advice IMO.

You can both look at the output and also look build transcript to work out how Xcode created that output.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

The easiest solution is to setup a demo Xcode app with the same name and bundleID and see how Xcode does it. Deviate at your peril.

If you're trying to roll your own app, I recommend consulting all of the existing documentation first. A good place to start would be --deep Considered Harmful

Also, Apple now requires Xcode 15 for App Store submissions. See this news post.. So even if you aren't building and submitting with Xcode 15, you would want to use Xcode 15 to build that demo template app. Xcode 15 does work on Ventura. However, that update was over a year ago now. Apple could change this requirement "any day now".

You should really be testing on a pristine system that has never seen Xcode or your app before. You may be able to use a VM for this.

@Etresoft Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried upgrading to Xcode 15, but the AppStore would only let me download version 14. I uninstalled Xcode, but afterwards it only offers version 16 and reports, "Requires macOS 14.5 or later.", which means I need to upgrade to Sonoma. Do you have another suggestion for downloading version 15 on Ventura? Thanks again.

Never download Xcode from the App Store. Always download it directly from the developer site. You can download Xcode 15 there too.

Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded Xcode_15.xip, but opening reports, "You can't use this version of the application Xcode with this version of macOS."

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is the .app directory and file structure/naming sufficient?

It looks reasonable enough. A good place to start with this stuff is Placing Content in a Bundle. If you need more info then create a test project in Xcode, build it, and see what it did.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
how do I lint this file … ?

You can lint it with plutil. Indeed, I recommend you do that.

Actually, my general advice is that you use plutil to convert it to the XML format, which means it’s not just technically correct but in the canonical format.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
and determine if it contains all of the necessary key/value pairs?

It’s hard to answer that, because it depends what you app does. However, a good place to start is with the above-mentioned Xcode project.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
is codesigning the .app folder sufficient?

This is answered by Creating distribution-signed code for macOS. I recommend that you follow the advice there, and in Packaging Mac software for distribution.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Does the .app directory need an entitlements file?

The file itself? No. Entitlements are baked into the program when you sign it. So you might need an .entitlements file as an input to codesign, but you don’t need to include that specific file in your app.

As to whether you need entitlements at all, that very much depends. See below.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Here's how I codesign it:

Don’t use --deep. See --deep Considered Harmful.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
How can I verify what entitlements, if any, are required for codesigning the binary?

There’s no single answer to that question. It depends on what your code does.

However, if you’re distributing on the App Store then, yes, you definitely need the entitlement that enables the App Sandbox.

Also, if you plan to use TestFlight, which you should, see TestFlight, Provisioning Profiles, and the Mac App Store.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is the embedded.provisionprofile necessary

Only if your app uses restricted entitlements. The App Sandox entitlement is not restricted, but the TestFlight ones are.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
how do I know determine if it matches the certificate or entitlements that I'm using?

TN3125 Inside Code Signing: Provisioning Profiles explains that in gory detail.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Additionally, is it named and located properly?

This is another thing covered by Placing Content in a Bundle.

Written by chipcastle in 774923021
Is it better for me to release via TestFlight for testing

Yes. And that does complicate things somewhat, as I mentioned above.

Written by Etresoft in 825899022
The easiest solution is to setup a demo Xcode app with the same name and bundleID and see how Xcode does it.

This is good advice IMO.

You can both look at the output and also look build transcript to work out how Xcode created that output.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

Thanks for the suggestion. I downloaded Xcode_15.xip, but opening reports, "You can't use this version of the application Xcode with this version of macOS."

Sorry, according to Xcode support page, Xcode 15 requires macOS 13.5.

Making progress here:

  1. Upgraded to Sequoia 15.3.1, Xcode 16.2

  2. Codesigning executable returns 'satisfies its Designated Requirement' using:

codesign --force --verify --verbose=4 --options runtime --timestamp --entitlements '/Users/chip/Desktop/PATHmanager.entitlements' --sign 'Apple Distribution: Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc. (BXN9N7MNU3)' '/Users/chip/Desktop/distribution/'

  1. Productbuild .pkg file returns successfully using:

productbuild --sign '3rd Party Mac Developer Installer: Chip Castle Dot Com, Inc. (BXN9N7MNU3)' --identifier 'com.chipcastle.pathmanager' --version '1.15' --component '/Users/chip/Desktop/distribution/' /Applications '/Users/chip/Desktop/PATHmanager.pkg'

  1. Verifying signature returns 'satisfies its Designated Requirement' using:

codesign --verify --verbose=4 '/Users/chip/Desktop/distribution/'

  1. Transporter uploads successfully.
  2. Running Verify via Transporter returns error: 'Invalid Provisioning Profile Signature'
  3. Other forum posters recommended regenerating a new profile and certificates, which I did using Xcode, and then downloading the profile again. I tried numerous times, but the same error persists via Transporter.

I read 'TN3125: Inside Code Signing: Provisioning Profiles', which mostly covers how to inspect the contents of the profile, but not how to troubleshoot errors. Any suggestions on how to drill down further with this error is appreciated. Thanks.

I’m glad to hear your making progress.

Regarding your provisioning profile issue, remember that a provisioning profile ties together a bunch of items, including the certificate from the code-signing identity used to sign the code. Given that, a distribution profile must necessarily be different from a development profile, because a distribution certificate is different from a development certificate. So, when you re-sign a development-signed app with your distributing signing identity, you have to first replace its development profile with your distribution profile.

Creating distribution-signed code for macOS covers this in its Embed distribution provisioning profiles section.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""

AppStore submission for Ruby/Glimmer app on MacOS without Xcode