Hi everyone,
I've been testing the requestGeometryUpdate() API in iOS, and I noticed something unexpected: it allows orientation changes even when the device’s orientation lock is enabled.
Test Setup:
- Use requestGeometryUpdate() in a SwiftUI sample app to toggle between portrait and landscape (code below).
- Manually enable orientation lock in Control Center.
- Press a button to request an orientation change in sample app.
- Result: The orientation changes even when orientation lock is ON, which seems to override the expected system behavior.
- Is this intended behavior?
- Is there official documentation confirming whether this is expected? I haven’t found anything in Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) or UIKit documentation that explicitly states this.
- Since this behavior affects a system-wide user setting, could using
in this way lead to App Store rejection?
Since Apple has historically enforced respecting user settings, I want to clarify whether this approach is compliant.
Would love any official guidance or insights from Apple engineers.
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isLandscape = false // Track current orientation state
var body: some View {
VStack {
Text("Orientation Test")
Button(action: toggleOrientation) {
Text(isLandscape ? "Switch to Portrait" : "Switch to Landscape")
private func toggleOrientation() {
guard let scene = UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first as? UIWindowScene else {
print("No valid window scene found")
// Toggle between portrait and landscape
let newOrientation: UIInterfaceOrientationMask = isLandscape ? .portrait : .landscapeRight
let geometryPreferences = UIWindowScene.GeometryPreferences.iOS(interfaceOrientations: newOrientation)
scene.requestGeometryUpdate(geometryPreferences) { error in
print("Failed to change orientation: \(error.localizedDescription)")