Multipeer Connectivity with iOS devices

I used the Multipeer Connectivity Framework to allow players of my game app to see the highest score along with their own score as the game progresses. It works fine running in 3 or 4 simulators in Xcode. However, I was just told by two Apple support reps that bluetooth connectivity is not allowed between two Apple devices, other than for watches, AirPods, headphones, etc.

My question is: can two iPhones or iPads connect for peer-to-peer play? Can they play offline? If the answer is yes to either or both of those questions, how do I get that to happen since I get an error message when trying to connect two iPhones via bluetooth even though they can see each other in the Other Devices list?

If the answer is no, then why does Apple provide a Multipeer Connectivity Framework and simulate that type of device to device connection with the Xcode simulators?

Multipeer Connectivity with iOS devices