I can’t create an iTunes Connect account.

I learned that I need to create an iTunes Connect account to publish my book translations on Apple Books, following the instructions on the Apple Support page. I was then directed to the iTunes Connect website. Despite trying multiple Apple accounts with different credit cards on my Mac, iPad, and iPhone, I kept getting the error “This Apple Account does not have a valid credit card on file.” In the end, I began to wonder if iTunes Connect is unavailable in Turkey. What do I need to do to publish content on Apple Books from Turkey? Do I need to obtain a developer account, or is this service not available in Turkey?

The Apple customer service representative I contacted in Turkey said they didn’t have information on the matter and directed me here.

Apple customer services redirect you to the forums or redirect you to the Apple Developer Program support?

For your question, please contact the Apple Developer Program Support Team. If that request is with a team other than the Apple Developer Program Support Team, please get in touch with them through http://developer.apple.com/contact.  Please make sure to mention that you were referred to them by DTS.

We hope this information is helpful to you.

Albert Pascual
  Worldwide Developer Relations.

I can’t create an iTunes Connect account.