Setting ".environment(.layoutDirection, .rightToLeft)" to a view programmatically won't make buttons in menu to show right to left.
However, setting ".environment(.locale, .init(identifier: "he-IL"))" to a view programmatically makes buttons in menu to show Hebrew strings correctly.
Development environment: Xcode 16.x, macOS 15.3.1
Target iOS: iOS 17 - iOS 18
The expected result is that the button in the menu should be displayed as an icon then a text from left to right.
Code to demonstrate the problem:
struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { VStack(alignment: .leading) { Text("Buttons in menu don't respect the environment value of .layoutDirection") .font(.subheadline) .padding(.bottom, 48) /// This button respects both "he-IL" of ".locale" and ".rightToLeft" of ".layoutDirection". Button { print("Button tapped") } label: { HStack { Text("Send") Image(systemName: "paperplane") } } Menu { /// This button respects "he-IL" of ".locale" but doesn't respect ".rightToLeft" of ".layoutDirection". Button { print("Button tapped") } label: { HStack { Text("Send") Image(systemName: "paperplane") } } } label: { Text("Menu") } } .padding() .environment(\.locale, .init(identifier: "he-IL")) .environment(\.layoutDirection, .rightToLeft) } }