




Secure Phone After Hacked
Hello! Few month ago i did get hacked on my pc and then my android and iphone. Did get at notice that payments couldent draw. lucky I only had 240kr on lunar card that it did draw 200kr to a gift card. Did get mail from skrill that a account whas created with one of my Gmail’s. Tryed to log them out but window did keep close. Gmail did flag like crazy and wanted me to change pw. how the **** when I lost control of my phone?!?!??! Just lock it god Damn. let’s make it short! I shared network to pc from my phone With usb. I don’t just think it whas a attacker program as Gmail did flag. I think I did get mirror linked on my android and maybe my iphone. Had a real struggle to reset my pc and phones before it worked. My iPhone drains battery like crazy and feels laggy sometimes. A non registered number whas added to two Gmail’s that they did try to change pw multiple times. did notice I Linux pc activity on my fb and some other stuff. My iphone do reboot still sometimes and every second reboot wifi/bluet can’t be activated and mobile share change pw as the original one did look. Next reboot all work and are the same again. Iam scared that iam still hacked or havent removed him from everything. How can I make sure that Iam still not mirror linked and that he or she can’t access anything? Sorry for the long text but iam scared as ****.
Dec ’24