




How to commission a device to our fabric after adding it using Matter.Support
How to commission a device to our fabric after adding it using Matter.Support We have the following configuration: eero border router our own thermostat device that we are developing no home pod or home TV are used We have followed this guide and implemented Matter Extension, as Matter.Framework is no more allowed to pair device. In Matter Extension the following callbacks are fired: override func selectThreadNetwork(from threadScanResults: [MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadScanResult]) async throws -> MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadNetworkAssociation override func commissionDevice(in home: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Home?, onboardingPayload: String, commissioningID: UUID) async throws In our demo app the following function completes without errors try await request.perform() The thermostat device seems to be successfully commissioned. In there is a comment that says: Use Matter.Framework APIs to pair the accessory to your application with the provided onboardingPayload. How should this thing be done ? We tried to start the matter controller in the old way: func start() -> Bool { if (self.matterController == nil) { let storage = MatterStorage.shared let factory = MTRDeviceControllerFactory.sharedInstance() let factoryParams = MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams(storage: storage) do { try factory.start(factoryParams) } catch { return false } let keys = FabricKeys() let params = MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams(signing: keys, fabricId: UInt64(fabricId), ipk: keys.ipk) params.vendorID = NSNumber(value: self.vendorId) self.matterController = try? factory.createController(onExistingFabric: params) let controllerNid = self.matterController?.controllerNodeID if (self.matterController == nil) { self.matterController = try? factory.createController(onNewFabric: params) } } return (self.matterController != nil) } Certificate are generated locally as in Matter Darwin example. We tried to call let params = MTRCommissioningParameters() matterController?.commissionNode(withID: NSNumber(value: self.deviceNid), commissioningParams: params) in commissionDevice of Matter Extension but we get error: Invalid object state.
Oct ’23