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New features for APNs token authentication now available
Team-scoped keys introduce the ability to restrict your token authentication keys to either development or production environments. Topic-specific keys in addition to environment isolation allow you to associate each key with a specific Bundle ID streamlining key management. For detailed instructions on accessing these features, read our updated documentation on establishing a token-based connection to APNs.
CloudKit CKModifyRecordsOperation resulting in undocumented error "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed"
I'm running into an undocumented error coming back from CloudKit operations. Specifically, I'm attempting to save new records via CKModifyRecordsOperation. I'm receiving this error for each of the records in the perRecordSaveBlock callback: <CKError 0x3018ac3c0: "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed"> Is anyone else facing this error? It has been happening for several days and I'm finally getting around to reproduction with the Console app and logs. I have 16 records on my device locally that each one gets this error back. FB16547732 - CloudKit: CKModifyRecordsOperation saving new records results in Error <CKError 0x3018ac1e0: "Internal Error" (1/3001); "MMCSEngineCreate failed">
Crashes when trying to destroy persistent store
I am running into some issues when trying to destroy CoreData persistentStores. When a user logs out of my app, I want to completely reset CoreData and delete any existing data. My code to reset CoreData looks like this: let coordinator = self.persistentContainer.persistentStoreCoordinator self.persistentContainer.viewContext.reset() coordinator.persistentStores.forEach { store in guard let url = store.url else { return } do { try coordinator.destroyPersistentStore(at: url, type: .sqlite) _ = try coordinator.addPersistentStore(ofType: NSSQLiteStoreType, configurationName: nil, at: url) } catch { print(error) } } However, my app is crashing with Object 0xb2b5cc80445813de <x-coredata://BDB999D4-49A4-4CB3-AC3A-666AD60BEFC6/AccountEntity/p5> persistent store is not reachable from this NSManagedObjectContext's coordinator It seems this is related to the SwiftUI @FetchRequest wrappers. If I do not open the views where I am using @FetchRequest, the logout goes smoothly. Otherwise, I get the crash above. Has anyone run into anything similar? Is there something else I need to do to get the underlying FRC to release its references to those entities? I was under the impression that calling reset() on the managed object context would be enough to remove those items from memory and get the destroying of the persistent store to go smoothly. Alternately, is there another/better way I should be destroying the DB? Any advice or related observations would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Do i need to free memory for C strings obtained from xpc_dictionary_get_string?
I am using C APIs for XPC communication. When my XPC server gets a xpc_dictionary as a message, I use xpc_dictionary_get_string to get the string which is of type const char*. Afterwards, when I try to free up the memory for the string, I get an error. I could not find any details on why this happens. Does XPC handle the lifecycle of these C strings ? I did some tests to see the behaviour. The following code snippet prints a string temp before and after releasing the dictionary memory. char* string = "dummy-string"; xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string); const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(reply, "str"); printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp); xpc_release(reply); printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp); output: # temp before release: dummy-string # temp after release: I tried to free the variable temp before and after releasing dict . char* string = "dummy-string"; xpc_object_t dict = xpc_dictionary_create(NULL, NULL, 0); xpc_dictionary_set_string(dict, "str", string); const char* temp = xpc_dictionary_get_string(dict, "str"); printf("temp before release: %s\n", temp); free((void *)temp); // case 1 xpc_release(dict); // free((void *)temp); // case 2 printf("temp after release: %s\n", temp); in both the cases i got the output: # temp before release: dummy-string # app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: Double free of object 0x145004a20 # app(18502,0x1f02fc840) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug # SIGABRT: abort # PC=0x186953720 m=0 sigcode=0 # signal arrived during cgo execution # ... # ...
struggling with app automation
hi so im trying to create a simple app that has two pressable buttons that turn a spa mode on and off wishing another app so far I have the UI figured out the app works the only issue is right now when I press spa on I have setup so it opens Siri Shortcuts and enables the shortcut is there a way to make the app revert back to mine after the action is done? or is there another way to open the other app and navigate to the button within that app and enable it behind my app
Problems with macro - probably after update
yesterday my Xcode app worked, I upgraded my Xcode and simulator today, but now i suddenly get: error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser8FeedViewV4jobs33_842833018C1C855C625C2C0F4D027584LL5QueryfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" error: the replacement path doesn't exist: "/var/folders/61/cs5w33tx7m92yq6t55h9w7k00000gn/T/swift-generated-sources/@__swiftmacro_6Fikser4UserC8username18_PersistedPropertyfMa_.swift" and i also get this: objc[11474]: Class AKBiometricRatchetUtility is implemented in both /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKitUI.framework/AuthKitUI (0x12ff2d898) and /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_22C150/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 18.2.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/AuthKit.framework/AuthKit (0x114a0b1f0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. ``` can it be that they are some how relatet? Or what else can it be? I have tried to delete derrieved data, clean folder eg.
Simulator Location Authorization Issue: Authorization Status Remains notDetermined After Denying and Changing in System Settings
Hello everyone, I'm encountering a strange location authorization issue in the iOS simulator, and I'm hoping someone can help me analyze it. Problem Description: When my app runs for the first time in the simulator, it requests location permissions. I select "Deny" for the authorization. Then, I go to the simulator's "Settings" -> "Privacy & Security" -> "Location Services" and enable location permissions for my app. However, when I return to the app, CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus still returns .notDetermined, and the authorization request pop-up does not appear again. This issue persists even after resetting the simulator settings multiple times. import CoreLocation @Observable final class LocationManager: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate { var locationManager = CLLocationManager() var currentLocation: CLLocationCoordinate2D? override init() { super.init() locationManager.delegate = self } func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) { let status = manager.authorizationStatus print("Authorize Status: \(status)") switch status { case .authorizedWhenInUse, .authorizedAlways: locationManager.startUpdatingLocation() case .denied, .restricted: stopLocation() case .notDetermined: locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() print("Location permission not determined.") @unknown default: break } } func requestLocation() { let status = locationManager.authorizationStatus if status == .authorizedWhenInUse || status == .authorizedAlways { locationManager.requestLocation() } else { locationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() } } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) { guard let newLocation = locations.first else { return } currentLocation = newLocation.coordinate print("Updated location: \(newLocation.coordinate)") } func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error) { print("Location update failed with error: \(error.localizedDescription)") currentLocation = nil } func stopLocation() { locationManager.stopUpdatingLocation() print("Stopped updating location") } }
Verify Receipt is not found - After successful payment for Annual subscription.
The application is developed with Xamarin Framework and it is live now. The customer installed the app and purchased the annual subscription. And for some reason, they uninstall and reinstall the application on the same device. Now user wants to restore the subscription. In the application, there is an option to Restore the subscription. But restore API not return purchase details. But when clicking the subscription button instead of restoring the subscription, it says you subscribed to this plan". is there any possibility of not getting VerifyRecipt even after a successful purchase?
tvOS In-app purchase not working
I am trying to implement in-app purchases in Apple TV. I added a "non-consumable" product and started testing in Sandbox, but it did not work properly. While I am trying to fetch the product from the appstore, it won't give any responses like success or failure. So that our app gets rejected in the App Store. Please provide me the steps to implement in-app purhcase in Apple tvos using Swift. Note: The same code is working fine in iOS.
[networkextesion] dnsproxy
hello I am testing the use of network extension. When we use dnsproxy to proxy DNS requests, we will send you a message that the udp pcbcount of your system continues to increase. For example for ((i=1; i<=99999; i++));do echo "Attempt $i:" dig done when the dig command is used continuously, the dig command will show the following errors when pcbcount reaches a certain number. isc_socket_bind: address not available Can you help us determine what the problem might be? thank you
Is it possible to increase priority of background notifications?
I have an app that pairs with a wearable Bluetooth device that collects users' health data. My web backend sends two push notifications every hour to all app users—one at XX:05 and another at XX:15. The first notification instructs the app to download data from the paired wearable device, while the second prompts the app to upload the downloaded data to the backend server's database. However, I’ve noticed that many push notifications are not processed by iOS apps, especially at night. Based on Apple's documentation, iOS prioritizes push notifications and may ignore lower-priority ones to conserve battery life. Is there a way to increase the priority to ensure that more (or all) push notifications are processed? Would integrating the HealthKit framework help? Currently, I use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send push notifications. Additionally, my app falls under the Health & Fitness category. Would changing it to Medical increase priority? P.S. I understand that Apple requires certain certifications for an app to be classified as Medical.
LiveCommunicationKit: report Incoming but Assertion failure in -[PKPushRegistry _terminateAppIfThereAreUnhandledVoIPPushes]
I completed the CallKit Demo with the same code. When I changed to LiveCommunicationKit, the code goes perfectly when the app is in foreground, but it crashed in background. If I changed the reportIncoming method from LCK to CallKit, it goes well. What is the reason? I changed the method from func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType, completion: @escaping () -> Void) to func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType) async it crashed before show the print "receive voip noti". Here is the core code: var providerDelegate: ProviderDelegate? func pushRegistry(_ registry: PKPushRegistry, didReceiveIncomingPushWith payload: PKPushPayload, for type: PKPushType, completion: @escaping () -> Void) { if type != .voIP { return } guard let uuidString = payload.dictionaryPayload["uuid"] as? String, let uuid = UUID(uuidString: uuidString), let handle = payload.dictionaryPayload["handle"] as? String, let hasVideo = payload.dictionaryPayload["hasVideo"] as? Bool, let callerID = payload.dictionaryPayload["callerID"] as? String else { return } print("receive voip noti: \(type):\(payload.dictionaryPayload)") if #available(iOS 17.4, *) { // This code is only goes perfectly when the App is in foreground var update = Conversation.Update(members: [Handle(type: .generic, value: callerID, displayName: callerID)]) if hasVideo { update.capabilities = [.video, .playingTones] } else { update.capabilities = .playingTones } Task { @MainActor in do { print("LCKit report start") try await LCKitManager.shared.reportNewIncomingConversation(uuid: uuid, update: update) print("LCKit report success") completion() } catch { print("LCKit report failed") print(error) completion() } } } else { // It went perfectly providerDelegate?.reportIncomingCall(uuid: uuid, callerID: callerID, handle: handle, hasVideo: hasVideo) { _ in completion() } } @available(iOS 17.4, *) final class LCKitManager { static let shared = LCKitManager() let manager: ConversationManager init() { manager = ConversationManager(configuration: type(of: self).configuration) manager.delegate = self } static var configuration: ConversationManager.Configuration { ConversationManager.Configuration(ringtoneName: "Ringtone.aif", iconTemplateImageData: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "IconMask").pngData(), maximumConversationGroups: 1, maximumConversationsPerConversationGroup: 1, includesConversationInRecents: true, supportsVideo: false, supportedHandleTypes: [.generic]) } func reportNewIncomingConversation(uuid: UUID, update: Conversation.Update) async throws { try await manager.reportNewIncomingConversation(uuid: uuid, update: update) } } final class ProviderDelegate: NSObject, ObservableObject { static let providerConfiguration: CXProviderConfiguration = { let providerConfiguration: CXProviderConfiguration if #available(iOS 14.0, *) { providerConfiguration = CXProviderConfiguration() } else { providerConfiguration = CXProviderConfiguration(localizedName: "Name") } providerConfiguration.supportsVideo = false providerConfiguration.maximumCallGroups = 1 providerConfiguration.maximumCallsPerCallGroup = 1 let iconMaskImage = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "IconMask") providerConfiguration.iconTemplateImageData = iconMaskImage.pngData() providerConfiguration.ringtoneSound = "Ringtone.aif" providerConfiguration.includesCallsInRecents = true providerConfiguration.supportedHandleTypes = [.generic] return providerConfiguration }() private let provider: CXProvider init( { provider = CXProvider(configuration: type(of: self).providerConfiguration) super.init() provider.setDelegate(self, queue: nil) } func reportCall(uuid: UUID, callerID: String, handle: String, hasVideo: Bool, completion: ((Error?) -> Void)? = nil) { let callerUUID = UUID() let update = CXCallUpdate() update.remoteHandle = CXHandle(type: .generic, value: callerID) update.hasVideo = hasVideo update.localizedCallerName = callerID // Report the incoming call to the system provider.reportNewIncomingCall(with: callerUUID, update: update) { [weak self] error in completion?(error) } } }
IAP StoreKit2 Can Not Fectch Products
I am currently using StoreKit2 to set up the in-app purchase subscription flow, and I have already configured the subscription products in App Connect. I created a StoreKit Configuration file in Xcode and used it in the scheme. However, after completing the purchase, the transaction.jsonRepresentation data returns a transactionId of 0. After checking the documentation, I found that I need to disable the StoreKit Configuration and enable Sandbox Testing. But after disabling the StoreKit Configuration, I can't retrieve the real product data using Product.products(for: productIds). I can confirm that the ProductId I provided is real and matches the data configured in App Connect. Could you please help me identify the issue? Thank you
IAP Can not Use Sand Box Test
I am currently using StoreKit2 to set up the in-app purchase subscription flow, and I have already configured the subscription products in App Connect. I created a StoreKit Configuration file in Xcode and used it in the scheme. However, after completing the purchase, the transaction.jsonRepresentation data returns a transactionId of 0. After checking the documentation, I found that I need to disable the StoreKit Configuration and enable Sandbox Testing. But after disabling the StoreKit Configuration, I can't retrieve the real product data using Product.products(for: productIds). I can confirm that the ProductId I provided is real and matches the data configured in App Connect. Could you please help me identify the issue?
Proper way to use a ModelContext from a background thread in a document based app
What is the idiomatic way to use a ModelContext in a document based SwiftData app from a background thread? The relevant DocumentGroup initializers do not give us direct access to a ModelContainer, only to a ModelContext. Is it safe to take its modelContext.container and pass it around (for creating a ModelContext on it on a background thread) or to construct a ModelActor with it? Is it safe to e.g. put a ModelActor so created into the environment of the root view of the window and execute various async data operations on it in Tasks throughout the app, as long as these are dispatched from within the window whose root view's ModelContext was used for getting the ModelContainer?