




How to show VoIP calls on Apple Watch (WatchOS9) with CallKit?
Now my main app is already invoked voip callkit, I would want to invoke voip on iWatch app, but I have some issue: 1、How to deal audio data and network connect of iWatch voip ? can we depends on iPhone app? 2、How to use voip callkit on iWatch that only via bluetooth connect ? 3、If main app is already support voip callkit, how to support callkit for iwatch? Do we need to repeat and independently implement callkit, network, and audio on iWatch? 4、how to add support dial number on iWatch use by the thirdpart app? the case is the same with on the iPhone use, user can send dial by system call record . Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.
购买订阅型商品 transactionIdentifier 不在 receiptDataText里面
购买订阅型商品,为什么回调给苹果客户端的 SKPaymentTransaction.transactionIdentifier 不在从票据验证返回的receiptDataText(票据字符串)数据集合里 苹果客户端获取到的: SKPaymentTransaction.transactionIdentifier 苹果支付回调返回的id NSURL *receiptURL = [[NSBundle mainBundle] appStoreReceiptURL]; // 票据URL NSData *receiptData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:receiptURL]; //票据二进制 NSString *receiptDataText = [receiptData base64EncodedStringWithOptions:NSDataBase64EncodingEndLineWithLineFeed]; //票据字符串
No TCP connections to IPs in the local network
I am developing an app which heavily relies on TCP device to device connections in the local network. The devices (multiple iPhones 13) are connected through a common consumer wifi router and act as server and client simultaneously. My problem is that 2 out of 3 iPhones can't establish outgoing TCP connections. However, they can act as server and accept incoming connections. All devices have the same iOS version (17.5.1) and access to Local Network is granted in the Privacy & Security settings. All devices have IPs in the range 192.168.x.x and the correct subnet is set. Safari can connect to IPs in the local network but not my app. The wifi network does not provide access to internet. Mobile data is turned off on all devices. As the error is happening out in the field, I cannot reproduce it under controlled conditions. What settings (beside not granting access to Local Network) may block outgoing connections to local IPs? What configurations of the app (e.g. entries in Info.plist) may result in or fix this behaviour?
I recently installed IOS 17.6 on my iPhone 15 Pro Max. The OS is very glitchy now. The keyboard doesn’t respond properly. What is the best way to resolve this issue? Thank you!
Testing Multiple In App Purchases in Unpublished App
I am a new app developer. I successfully tested my first in app purchase to remove ads. I then tried to include a consumable, but every time the app reads the available list, I get an error for that one. I can't seem to find a solution somewhere and wonder if this is a problem that might happen with testing an unpublished app. Here is the relevant snippet of code as well as a screenshot of my In App Purchase section of the App Store Connect. Task { do { let storeProducts = try await Product.products(for: ["removeAds1", "cactusCoin5"]) DispatchQueue.main.async { self.products = storeProducts self.printProducts() } } catch { print("Failed to fetch products: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } Thank you for any assistance.
Feedback app Broken!
Yesterday night, I opened the feedback app, but it kicked me out. When I reopened it, I had to sign back in, but it got stuck on a continuous loading screen. I tried swiping it from the background and reopening it multiple times, but it kept loading indefinitely. I waited for 1 minute, then 3 minutes, but it never stopped. This morning, I checked again to see if my reports had been opened, but the app was still loading.
IOS18 Beta - Public (is it just me?)
From downloading Beta 18 (public) I have the following sever issues: Cellar Network dips and has weakened (wife & kids on same network with no issues.) Wi-Fi stability has become horrendous AirDrop is a nightmare zooming in on emails or other document documents cuts the page off and it becomes unmovable battery drains significantly quicker than ever before please tell me I’m not alone! @Apple - would be great if uninstalling beta was easier with out the risk and time the current process is annotated!
I can't update macOS Sequoia Beta installed on SSD to the latest release
I installed macOS Sequoia Beta 1 on external SSD and I boot it on my MacBook Pro. I changed my startup disk in Settings to point SSD and I install update via "Software Update". The file is downloaded then my computer restarts and it takes around ~20 seconds to install everything, but once the macOS is started, I see that I've got still Beta 1. I tried also to download the full installer and repeat the process but with the same result. It looks like everything is installed correctly, but once the system is launched, it's still the old macOS version. Any idea how to update the system on my SSD?
Feature Request: Enhanced Automation for Blocking Contacts and Uninstalling Apps
Hello everyone, I would like to propose a feature enhancement for iOS that could greatly benefit many users. Specifically, I am suggesting the introduction of automation capabilities within the Shortcuts app that would allow users to: Block Contacts on Messaging Apps: Enable Shortcuts to interact with apps like WhatsApp to block specific contacts based on predefined conditions or user actions. Uninstall Apps: Allow Shortcuts to uninstall specified apps automatically, which could be very useful for managing app clutter and storage. Benefits: Improved User Experience: These features would streamline tasks that currently require manual intervention, saving time and effort. Enhanced Control: Users would have more control over their device's functionality, allowing for better customization and management. Implementation Considerations: Privacy and Security: Implementing these features with appropriate security measures to ensure user privacy is not compromised. User Permissions: Ensure that users explicitly grant permissions for these automations to run, maintaining transparency and control. Use Cases: Parental Controls: Parents can automate the blocking of certain contacts on their children's devices. App Management: Users can create automations to periodically clean up unused apps, improving device performance. Community Input: I would love to hear your thoughts on this suggestion. How do you think these features could be implemented effectively? Are there any potential challenges you foresee? Thank you for considering this request. Let's work together to make iOS even more powerful and user-friendly! Best regards, Sagayaraj Danial
IOS 18 beta family
When trying to open the family settings the app freezes and cannot click on anything to look at the kids screen time. Closing the app and reopening does not fix the issue. anyone else experience this issue?
Bugs in call video settings
When I'm on a FaceTime call, if I open up the control centre and click on the mic and camera icon in the top, I can only access the mic settings like voice isolation, wide spectrum etc. The video settings are not clickable and disconnected to the bottom of the UI.
Autoconfigure in macOS and iOS Mail
I recall years ago that autoconfigure for email accounts worked in iOS Mail/macOS when MacOS X Server was a thing. The protocol is supported by Outlook and Thunderbird and some other apps as well. Using WireShark, I can see there's some network activity from when trying to get to the second step of adding a new email account. The most documentation I've been able to find online is making a mobileconfig file which works but is cumbersome in comparison to how it works with Outlook and Thunderbird. If there's any kind of documentation on autoconfigure for macOS/iOS, I'd like to see it so I can help with Virtualmin development team fix their implementation of autoconfigure/autodiscover to properly work with iOS/macOS. Help anyone?
AppTrackingTransparency and Google consent management platform
Hello, I show Google AdMob ads in my app so I needed to add Google consent management platform prompt provided by Google (documentation can be found here But at the same time, Apple wants me to use their prompt using the AppTrackingTransparency framework and remove the "custom" one (one from Google). Does anyone know how I could resolve that? Is the only way to resolve that to show a prompt using the AppTrackingTransparency framework first and once a user accepts that, show the one from Google CMP? Apple rejected my app update because of this, giving the following reason: "The app does not use App Tracking Transparency to request the user's permission before collecting data used to track them. Instead, the app displays a custom prompt that requests the user to allow tracking. Apps need to receive the user’s permission through the AppTrackingTransparency framework before collecting data used to track them. Requesting permission with a custom prompt is not appropriate.".
Photos Picker Selection
Hi! I am having a bit of trouble with the Photos Picker. In my app, users are able to select photos to appear in a grid, right in the app. I am using the new Photos Picker with SwiftUI. I want to be able to have my users select the images after they have been added to the View. So I want there to be a select button in the top toolbar on the leading side, and then once the user hits the select button, they can select the photos they want to remove on the grid, just like in the photos app, and then where the button to add photos originally is, there will be a trash icon to remove the selected photos from the grid. How would I do this? I have attached my code below for my view, as well as my PhotoPicker: import PhotosUI struct LifestyleImagePicker: View { @StateObject var imagePicker = ImagePicker() @State private var showingDetail = false @State private var selectedIndex = 0 @State private var isSelecting = false @State private var isAddingPhoto = false let columns = [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 100))] var body: some View { NavigationSplitView { VStack { if !imagePicker.images.isEmpty { ScrollView { LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 3) { ForEach(imagePicker.images.indices, id: \.self) { index in imagePicker.images[index] .resizable() .scaledToFit() .onTapGesture { selectedIndex = index showingDetail = true } } } } } else { Text("Tap the plus icon to add photos to your own Inspo Board.") .multilineTextAlignment(.center) } } .padding() .navigationTitle("Lifestyle") .toolbar { ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) { PhotosPicker(selection: $imagePicker.imageSelections, maxSelectionCount: 10, matching: .images, photoLibrary: .shared()) { Image(systemName: "") .imageScale(.large) } } } } detail: { Text("Pick your lifestyle") } .sheet(isPresented: $showingDetail) { DetailImageView(images: $imagePicker.images, selectedIndex: selectedIndex) } } } #Preview { LifestyleImagePicker() } import PhotosUI import Combine import Foundation @MainActor class ImagePicker: ObservableObject { @Published var image: Image? @Published var images: [Image] = [] @Published var imageSelection: PhotosPickerItem? { didSet { if let imageSelection { Task { try await loadTransferable(from: imageSelection) } } } } @Published var imageSelections: [PhotosPickerItem] = [] { didSet { Task { if !imageSelections.isEmpty { try await loadTransferable(from: imageSelections) imageSelections = [] } } } } func loadTransferable(from imageSelections: [PhotosPickerItem]) async throws { do { for imageSelection in imageSelections { if let data = try await imageSelection.loadTransferable(type: Data.self) { if let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { self.images.append(Image(uiImage: uiImage)) } } } } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) } } func loadTransferable(from imageSelection: PhotosPickerItem?) async throws { do { if let data = try await imageSelection?.loadTransferable(type: Data.self) { if let uiImage = UIImage(data: data) { self.image = Image(uiImage: uiImage) } } } catch { print(error.localizedDescription) image = nil } } }
How to view USB descriptors?
I am developing a USB UVC product and we are seeing poor performance on VLC. We are streaming 16 bit 1080p60 Uncompressed video but VLC says the codec is 32 bit RV32 Uncompressed with a frame rate of 0.0000033. Something is obviously wrong and I want to view the USB descriptors on my Mac to verify what the Mac is seeing the USB device is capable of. How can I do this? Looking online I found an IORegistryExplorer application but that doesnt seem to give me the full descriptors of the connected USB device, just some metadata about the connection. Any help finding the descriptor would be appreciated.