




iCloud key value storage sharing for iOS and mac os
I am working on an app that I would like to release for both mac and iOS. I'd like to use iCloud Key Value storage to share small bits of data between the apps. Unfortunately, it appears that the iOS and mac apps are writing to different iCloud KVS container IDs.per> Configuring Key-Value Storage > Key-value storage allows an app to share small amounts of data with other instances of itself running on the user’s other devices. The container ID for key- value storage is iCloud.[$(TeamIdentifierPrefix)].[$(CFBundleIdentifier)] where the Team ID is a unique string assigned to your team. To enable key-value storage, select the “Key-value storage” checkbox. To learn how to use key-value storage for preferences, read iCloud Design Guide.So, assuming my team identifier is JaysTeam and my iOS app's CFBundleIdentifier is com.jay.sampleapp, then the container ID for my iOS app would be ""Unfortunately, I cannot set the CFBundleIdentifier of both targets to the same value. So it appears that I cannot get both an iOS and a mac app to write to the same iCloud Key Value Storage container. Thus, I can't share info between an iOS and a Mac app via iCloud Key Value Storage.Am I missing something, or is this correct?
Jun ’15