Calendar app will not add .ics (ical) file to calendar "This invitation data is out of date"


I am attempting to open ical files from within my app with the hope of being able to add events (of non-trivial complexity, involving recurrence etc.) to the user's calendar. However, after the file is opened by the calendar app, it does not give the user the option to add it to their calendar, instead giving the error 'This invitation data is out of date' where the button for adding to the calendar normally would be.

When opened through the mail app, however, the same file can be added to the calendar:
(even though these screenshots are from different files, I have confirmed that the behavior described above occurs even when using the same file)

The code being invoked to open the file can be found here:

My question is: Is there a different way that is necessary when opening .ics files? Does anyone know how the Mail app is making this work?
Thank you,


Note: slightly more information is available in an issue here:

i am facing same problem... please anyone help me for same issue.

Calendar app will not add .ics (ical) file to calendar "This invitation data is out of date"