Notarization error 1048

I'm trying to get a pkg file notarized.

The notarization process worked fine for me until some day ago.

Now, when I run the altool command, I get this error : *** Error: To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048)

I have checked and too see if you have any pending agreement, but there is nothing there.

The command I use is 'xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id $MYBUNDLEID --username $MYUSERID --asc-provider $MYTEAMID --password $MYAPPPASSWORD --file $MYPKGFILE'

The last time the altool command worked for me was on the 29 May.

Any idea what is going wrong here?

Please see this thread.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!”
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware

let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + ""

those other threads are locked, so this is my success story here:

i also got that infamous 1048 error today. in my case there were several apple-id in Xcode's preferences. the "relevant" apple-id (the one related to the app in question) was associated with the single company only (it was an account holder FTM) and didn't have any pending contracts to accept (neither in nor in appstoreconnect). it did have (and still does) a pending "paid apps" contract to accept - i didn't have to do anything about it at the end of the day, it is still pending.

there were other "irrelevant" apple-id accounts in Xcode preferences. some dormant. one notable account was active and it was associated with multiple companies. among the companies was the company of the above "relevant" apple-id, and some other companies, which might had pending contracts to accept (didn't check those).

my solution was - remove all apple-id from Xcode preferences -- but one that is actually used for the app in question. in my case there were two such apple-ids - the first one that was the account holder (and that didn't have other associated companies) and the second one (that had many associated companies). to not give it a chance i decided to use the first one. it helped and after that the app was notarized without errors. looks like xcode bug.

I confirm that removing all accounts from xcode preferences except one fix the issue.

You must first sign the relevant contracts online. (1048)
I just ran into this. I only have one account in Xcode, I have removed it and re-added it. All contracts are signed. Still getting the (1048) issue. I've been able to work around it by using altool manually, but that's annoying.

I filed FB8048743 with more details.

I've fixed this in the past by having our Account Holder sign the [Paid Applications
Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the
Agreements, Tax and Banking module](

Hope this helps.
Just thought I'd add my own experience, since the other topic is now locked, and it seems relevant to this topic. I one again experienced this error 1048 submitting Developer ID bundles for notarization. It seems I needed to log into, which somehow hadn't authorized this particular computer for login yet. Once I'd logged into it in Safari, and checked that everything was in order, I am now able to upload app bundles for notarization automatically.

This may require redoing any time your IP address changes, or, in the case of one user in this topic, if you are accessing via a VPN or proxy of some sort.

E: Note, that signing the contracts is not within my capability, since the signing team I am using, I am only a "user" level, so I just have the team's Developer ID certificate and access to the team profile and some of the settings. I still need to bug the team leader whenever the agreements have changed and need to be reviewed and re-signed, which does happen periodically, but isn't what was causing this error for me.

I also encountered this error 1048 today. At last I found out there is new developer agreement that I haven't accepted in my developer account. After logged into my developer account, I found a warning about I haven't agreed the new agreement. The error 1048 then is gone after I agreed the agreement. Hope this can help others with the same issue.

Notarization error 1048