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Gatekeeper on macOS helps protect users from downloading and installing malicious software by checking for a Developer ID certificate from apps distributed outside the Mac App Store.

Posts under Gatekeeper tag

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Trusted Execution Resources
Trusted execution is a generic name for a Gatekeeper and other technologies that aim to protect users from malicious code. General: DevForums tag: Gatekeeper Developer > Signing Mac Software with Developer ID Apple Platform Security support document Safely open apps on your Mac support article Hardened Runtime document WWDC 2022 Session 10096 What’s new in privacy covers some important Gatekeeper changes in macOS 13 (starting at 04: 32), most notably app bundle protection WWDC 2023 Session 10053 What’s new in privacy covers an important change in macOS 14 (starting at 17:46), namely, app container protection WWDC 2024 Session 10123 What’s new in privacy covers an important change in macOS 15 (starting at 12:23), namely, app group container protection Updates to runtime protection in macOS Sequoia news post Testing a Notarised Product DevForums post Resolving Trusted Execution Problems DevForums post App Translocation Notes DevForums post Most trusted execution problems are caused by code signing or notarisation issues. See Code Signing Resources and Notarisation Resources. Share and Enjoy — Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple let myEmail = "eskimo" + "1" + "@" + ""
Oct ’24
Gatekeeper and unsatisfied entitlements
We are developing a macOS application for distribution outside the Mac App Store. This application requires additional entitlements, including Keychain access groups, Network Extension, App Groups, and Sandbox. Both the app and the network extension import a custom framework. After creating the .app via Xcode, I ensured that a new Developer ID Application provisioning profile was generated. These profiles were then injected into the Contents folder of the .app and Plugins/.netappex as embedded.provisionprofile. Next, .entitlements files were created with the necessary "-systemextension" entitlement for the network extension and used for code signing. When inspecting the extracted entitlements from the .provisioningprofile as described in TN3125, everything appears correct. Code signing flow: codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <team>" <.app>/Contents/Frameworks/<sdk>.framework/ codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <team>" <.app>/Contents/PlugIns/vpn.appex/Contents/Frameworks/<sdk>.framework/Versions/A/<sdk> codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements <vpn-plist>.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <team>" <.app>/Contents/PlugIns/vpn.appex/ codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements <app-plist>.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <team>" <.app> The .app is then zipped with ditto -c -k --keepParent and set off for notarization, which is succesful and the .app is stapled. After that, a .dmg or .pkg is created, which is then sent for notarization and subsequently stapled. The problem occurs when the app is distributed to the client. Opening the extracted .app fails, as Gatekeeper refuses to launch it with the following error message: 661 debug staticCode syspolicyd Security 0x88d68d818 done serializing <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""><plist version="1.0"><dict><key></key><string><teamid.bundleid></string><key></key><array><string>packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension</string></array><key></key><string>team-id</string><key></key><true/><key></key><array><string></string></array><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key></key><true/><key>keychain-access-groups</key><array><string></string></array></dict></plist> 22207 debug ProvisioningProfiles taskgated-helper ConfigurationProfiles entitlements: { "" = ( "packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension" ); "" = team-id; "keychain-access-groups" = ( “” ); } 22207 error ProvisioningProfiles taskgated-helper ConfigurationProfiles <bundle-id>: Unsatisfied entitlements:,, keychain-access-groups After encountering this problem every time, we tried using a different development team with a new bundle ID, app groups, developer ID, developer ID certificate, and provisioning profiles. The .entitlements file remained the same (with different IDs), as did the capabilities for the App IDs in App Store Connect. With this new development team, we were successful, and the gatekeeper did not block the launch job. From a configuration standpoint, everything appears identical. Updating the App Store Connect App ID capabilities and generating new provisioning profiles for the first development team did not resolve the issue. Thank you for your help.
Problems with new Developer ID certificate
My Developer ID certificate will expire in few days, so I downloaded and installed new certificate in login keychain. However my key is still linked to my old certificate. I have my .p12 but even if I delete the old certificate from login keychain and reinstall the .12 file, my old certificate reappears in the login keychain. I tried to select the new certificate in the login keychain and choose Files > Export Items (in Keychain Access) but in the Save dialog under File Format the "Personal Information Exchange (.p12)" option is grayed out. How can I generate a key/.p12 file that will be linked to my new certificate?
Hi, I've code-signed my app and notarized it, and created a DMG, and when I slacked it or airdropped it to someone for testing the FIRST time they open it, they get a warning that it was Slacked or airdropped to them and do they want to open it. if they say yes everything is fine. So looking through here someone said I need to sign the app and then make a dmg and sign the dmg and then send that for notorization and then staple that. So I did, and I still get a warning the first tie someone try's to run it. What am I doing wrong? I know I can buy software and not get a warning from apple. so how do I get my app to work correctly like that?
Application not getting identified after notarization
Hi folks We have a Developer ID Application which we create using electron. We made our last release for our Application on Nov'24 which was correctly working. Using the same code, we tried creating a notarized application again which started showing the following error while opening our Application. Monterey- M2- When we directly run the dmg on the dev machine, it does not give us the prompt. But if we download it from somewhere and run, the prompt comes up even in dev machine. We executed some commands to verify the notarization: 1- spctl --assess -vv /Applications/Refresh\ On both dev machine and non-dev machine, the output was "accepted" /Applications/Refresh accepted source=Notarized Developer ID origin=Developer ID Application: Prograde Digital Incorporated (*******) 2- xcrun stapler validate /Applications/Refresh\ On dev machine, we executed this command and the output is as follows. Processing: /Applications/Refresh The validate action worked! 3- codesign -vvv --deep --strict /Applications/Refresh\ /Applications/Refresh valid on disk /Applications/Refresh satisfies its Designated Requirement We have created a bug attaching the dmg. Please suggest anything we can try to make the release out the door. Bug link-
Gatekeeper stops directly distributed MacOS app with Network Extension
Is it possible to directly distribute a macOS app with a Developer ID Certificate that belongs to a different team? I am trying to resolve issues that arise when distributing a macOS app with a Network Extension (Packet Tunnel) outside the App Store using a Developer ID Certificate from a different team than the app’s provisioning profiles and entitlements. I started by attempting Direct Distribution in Xcode with automatic signing. However, it fails with the following message: Provisioning profile "Mac Team Direct Provisioning Profile: ” failed qualification checks: Profile doesn't match the entitlements file's value for the entitlement. I suspect the issue is that the provisioning profile allows "packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension", whereas the entitlements generated by Xcode contain "packet-tunnel-provider". When I manually modify the .entitlements file to include the -systemextension suffix, the project fails to build because Xcode does not recognize the modified entitlement. If there is a workaround for this issue, please let me know. Due to these issues, I resorted to manually creating a signed and notarized app. My process is as follows: Export the .app from the Xcode archive. Since the exported .app does not contain the necessary entitlements or provisioning profile for direct distribution, I replace Contents/embedded.provisioningprofile in both the .app and the .appex network extension. Sign the app and its components in the following order: codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app/Contents/Frameworks/<fw>.framework/ codesign --force --options runtime --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>"<app>.app/Contents/PlugIns/<netext>.appex/Contents/Frameworks/<fw>.framework/Versions/A/<fw> codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements dist-vpn.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app/Contents/PlugIns/<netext>.appex/ codesign --force --options runtime --entitlements dist.entitlements --timestamp --sign "Developer ID Application: <name>" <app>.app Verify the code signature: codesign --verify --deep --strict --verbose=4 <app>.app - <app>.app: valid on disk - <app>.app: satisfies its Designated Requirement Create a ZIP archive using: ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc --keepParent <app>.app <app>.zip Notarize the app with notarytool and staple it. The notarization completes successfully with errors: nil. Package the notarized app into a DMG, notarize, and staple the DMG. The app runs successfully on the development machine. However, when moved to another machine and placed in /Applications, it fails to open. Inspecting reveals Gatekeeper is blocking the launch:
 taskgated-helper <bundleid>: Unsatisfied entitlements:, taskgated-helper entitlements: { "" = ("packet-tunnel-provider-systemextension"); "" = <teamid>; } As mentioned earlier, the Developer ID Certificate used for signing belongs to a different team. We are a third-party developer and do not have access to the Developer ID Certificate of the team assigned as the team-identifier. When I changed the bundle identifier (app ID), team, entitlements, and provisioning profiles to match the team associated with the Developer ID Certificate, the app worked. My question is:
 Is this failure caused by using a Developer ID Certificate from a different team, or should it still work if the provisioning profiles and entitlements are correctly set? Could there be an issue elsewhere in the provisioning profiles or entitlements for the original app ID?
Gate Keeper Issue
Hi, I develop a Mac application, initially on Catalina/Xcode12, but I recently upgrade to Monterey/Xcode13. I'm about to publish a new version: on Monterey all works as expected, but when I try the app on Sequoia, as a last step before uploading to the App Store, I encountered some weird security issues: The main symptom is that it's no longer possible to save any file from the app using the Save panel, although the User Select File entitlement is set to Read/Write. I've tried reinstalling different versions of the app, including the most recent downloaded from TestFlight. But, whatever the version, any try to save using the panel (e.g. on the desktop) results in a warning telling that I don't have authorization to record the file to that folder. Moreover, when I type spctl -a -t exec -v /Applications/***.app in the terminal, it returns rejected, even when the application has been installed by TestFlight. An EtreCheck report tells that my app is not signed, while codesign -dv /Applications/***.app returns a valid signature. I'm lost... It suspect a Gate Keeper problem, but I cannot found any info on the web about how this system could be reset. I tried sudo spctl --reset-default, but it returns This operation is no longer supported... I wonder if these symptoms depend on how the app is archived and could be propagated to my final users, or just related to a corrupted install of Sequoia on my local machine. My feeling is that a signature problem should have been detected by the archive validation, but how could we be sure? Any idea would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Application terminated by gatekeeper on Apple silicon mac
I have a .NET 6 application that runs in the background. The installer is a .pkg file built using a third-party tool called "Packages". All .dylib and executable files are codesigned before packaging. The resulting .pkg file is notarized. The app uses these entitlements: The app is built on a macbook Air 2015 running macOS 12.6 and it works without issues on that machine. On a macbook Pro M3 running macOS 14.6.1 the app fails to run even though the installation itself is successful. The only logs that I was able to find are related to syspolicyd (4 warnings): Unable to apply protection to app: 45, PST: (vuid: A78FF6C2-08D5-4DCC-B946-8836251AA0E7), (objid: 1873967), (team: (null)), (id: (null)), (bundle_id: (null)) Failed to register app bundle for protection: 45, PST: (vuid: A78FF6C2-08D5-4DCC-B946-8836251AA0E7), (objid: 1873967), (team: (null)), (id: (null)), (bundle_id: (null)) scan failed, finishing evaluation : PST: (vuid: A78FF6C2-08D5-4DCC-B946-8836251AA0E7), (objid: 1873967), (team: (null)), (id: (null)), (bundle_id: (null)) Terminating process due to Gatekeeper rejection: 95158, Unfortunately, verification commands such as sudo codesign --verify --deep --strict -vvv MyApplication.App spctl -a -vvv -t install MyApplicationInstaller.pkg do not indicate any issues. Are there any additional steps that need to be performed in order for my app to work properly on newer machines?
Feb ’25
macOS Gatekeeper gatekeeping text files?
I have something with a new individual on my team I've never seen before. They checked out our code repository from git and now anytime they try to open a .json file that is legitimately just a text file, GateKeeper tells them it cannot verify the integrity of this file and offers to have them throw this file away. I've seen this with binaries, and that makes sense. I removed the extended attribute from all executable files in our source tree, but I've never seen GateKeeper prompt on text files. I could remove the extended attribute from all files in our source tree, but I fear the next time he pulls from git he'll get new ones flagged. Is there someway around this? I've never personally seen GateKeeper blocking text files.
Feb ’25
The binary file is getting quarantined ( while downloading onto another system even though it's digitally signed by a developer ID and notarised.
We are using SHC to compile on macOS to convert the .sh script to a binary file. This binary file is then digitally signed by the Apple developer account and then notarised. After that, it will work on the same system where we follow this process. But if we share this file to another system, then it gets quarantined ( while downloading. Is there any way to prevent it by getting quarantine on another system or something I'm missing, any clues?
Feb ’25
Notarization is very confusing
I have built a flutter desktop app and I notarized it. I have to distribute it directly as I cannot turn on App Sandboxing due to the functions included in the application. I created a build of the app from Xcode and then uploaded it for notarization and it was successfully notarized. If I compress that app into a .zip and share it over the internet, it successfully opens on any computer. But when I create a dmg using appdmg from npm and I try to distribute it, it does not open and shows me the option to either move to bin or cancel. When I notarize the dmg using the command: xcrun notarytool submit "YourApp.dmg" --apple-id "email" --password "app-specific-password" --team-id "YOUR_TEAM_ID" --wait It notarizes successfully. I have also done: xcrun stapler staple "YourApp.dmg" And validated it but it does not seem to work when I distribute it over the internet by uploading on my website. It is a bit strange that when I distribute the notarized app, it does not show any error when distributed over the internet by uploading on my website and then downloading but for a notarized dmg, which is properly signed, it gives that error that wether move to bin or do nothing. Would love someone's help on this!
Jan ’25
Garageband displaying error 100001 when loading up some AU plugins
I recently got some plugins from Universal Audio, and have licensed them properly through both UA and iLok manager. Whenever I try to load up the plugins (specifically from UA) in GarageBand, it first says that "NSCreateObjectFileImageFromMemory-p47UEwps” because the developper can not be verified. After clicking either 'show in finder' or 'okay', it opens the plugin in a form without its GUI and showing that it is not licensed (even though it is). It also displays error code 100001. I have tried only some basic stuff to troubleshoot like restarting the DAW/my computer and reinstalling/relicensing the softwares. I don't know if the macOS version has anything to do with it but for some reason I just can't get it to work.
Jan ’25
ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents
Hi fellow developers, I built Video Restore AI which uses a number of models with CoreML on macOS to provide simple one-blick video upscaling and colorization. After uploading my archive, I received the following notification through email. ITMS-91109: Invalid package contents - The package contains one or more files with the extended file attribute, such as “{com.kammerath.VideoRestore.pkg/Payload/Video Restore}”. This attribute shouldn’t be included in any macOS apps distributed on TestFlight or the App Store. Starting February 18, 2025, you must remove this attribute from all files within your macOS app before you can upload to App Store Connect. How do I deal with this? Is there a way to get Apple to just accept the model contents or do I need to convert it again with coremltools? Many thanks in advance! Jan
Jan ’25
Gatekeeper Issue
I built Mac app with Electron-forge and sign and notarize my app with Developer ID Application Certification and @electron/osx-sign, @electron/notarize module. I built my app on macOS Sonoma 14.7. Then I ran the built app on other mac with "App Store and identified developers" Gatekeeper of macOS version 12.7.3 And it worked well. But when I ran it on another mac PC of macOS Sonoma 14.4.1, it said my app is damaged. Why does it happen and How can I solve this issue?
Dec ’24
Not Allowed To Open Rust Binary In Terminal
Hi, I am a long time programmer in C#, and newer to Rust, and a rookie to MacOS 15.1. Over the past few days I have made numerous attempts to run a Rust GUI binary that I compiled on Mac. Here are some examples of things I have tried using. Executable compiled in M1 mac not running on Apple Silicon Mac - help - The Rust Programming Language Forum And here.... How to run unsigned apps in macOS 15.1 Also here... "sudo spctl --master-disable" There are many more that I have tried. I also tried moving the binary from my developer folder to the Application folder and running.... xattr -r -d /Applications/csv Note that "csv" is the name of my binary. You have probably seen this 100 times, so can you point me to me to something that allows my Rust binaries to run under MacOS? PS The Rust program code works just fine under Linux. I can either type Cargo Run and run the binary from the Terminal or go directly to the executable and double click on it to open the GUI application. The only thing that MacOS lets me do it open the GUI from the Terminal. Commander One says that I do not have the proper credentials to open the file directly. Finder also does not allow me to open the binary directly. Thanks, Jim
Jan ’25
Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted?
I am working on releasing my macOS arm64 app. My problem is that after the user downloads the dmg, double-clicking in the dmg, a Gatekeeper pop-up box will appear with a warning that the developer cannot be verified. Question: Can an application signed with "" be published as trusted? If yes, what steps have I missed? If not, can I get an official response from Apple? (Because I referred to this post, it seems to mention that it is possible to publish trusted software.I have looked up similar questions on the forum and tried many things, but nothing works. ) Here are my steps: Use the codesign to sign Because my app needs to access third-party dynamic libraries, entitlements.plist contains a "". After the "codesign -dvvv" check, the signature was successful.✅ Use the "xcrun notarytool" command to notarize my app, and the status is displayed as accepted.✅ Use "xcrun stapler staple" to attach the notarization to my app, and it returns success.✅ Use the "spctl -a -v " command to verify whether my app has passed Gatekeeper, and it returns that it has passed.✅ Then I packaged into a dmg, and then attached the notarization mark to the dmg, which was successful.✅ I completed the above steps and distributed the dmg. When I downloaded the dmg as a user test and double-clicked in it, the Gatekeeper pop-up box still appeared, and the developer cannot be verified.❌
Dec ’24
Apps made with Adobe Animate.
Adobe says that Animate works with the latest Mac OS. When I publish apps with Animate, they work on my computer. With a self-signed certificate, they work on some older Mac OS versions, but not on the 2 most recent. How can I test my apps on others' Mac computers? Robert
Nov ’24
On Mac cannot open the application
Hello I build an application in Xcode for MacOS. But the exported app I cannot open on different Mac systems. I get the message 'The application X can't be opened'. I can only run the application on the Mac where Xcode is installed. I used different signing certificates: Apple Distribution, Developer ID application (this should be the one), Mac App Distribution. I archive the application, then use Direct Distribution, then after complished the notary service, I export the app.
Nov ’24
how to build pkg file with xcode cloud that is notarized and also has postinstall file?
I am creating a macOS app with the following requirements: Automatic Startup: After initial installation, the app should automatically start, even after the OS restarts. Notarized Installation: The installation package (.pkg) should be notarized to avoid user have to make security exception. In my current setup I’ve created a script, ci_scripts/, which uploads the package file $CI_APP_STORE_SIGNED_APP_PATH/<appName>.pkg to GitHub via Xcode Cloud. While I can successfully download the app, I’m encountering two main issues: Notarization (I assume): I’m unsure how to get Xcode Cloud to notarize the .pkg file. Currently, upon opening the .pkg file for the first time, users have to go to System Settings > Privacy & Security to allow an exception for the package, after which installation proceeds successfully on second try. I’d like to automate the notarization process to eliminate this extra step. Adding Additional Files to PKG installer: My current .pkg file only includes the app binary. I need to configure Xcode Cloud to include a postinstall script and a launchd daemon configuration file within the package. This would ensure that necessary files are set up on installation and that the app is properly registered as a launch daemon.
Nov ’24
How can I share a developer-signed app through my website?
In the past, I used to export a developer-signed test version of my macOS app in Xcode, create a zip archive from the Finder, upload it to my website and share the link to the testers. The last time I did this with macOS 14 the tester was still able to download the test app and run it. But it seems that with macOS 15 the trick to open the context menu on the downloaded app and click Open to bypass the macOS warning that the app couldn't be checked when simply double-clicking it, doesn't work anymore. Now I'm always shown an alert that macOS couldn't check the app for malware, and pushes me to move it to the bin. In this StackOverflow topic from 10 years ago they suggested to use ditto and tar to compress and uncompress the app, but neither worked for me. How can I share macOS apps that I signed myself with testers without physically handing them a drive containing the uncompressed app?
Nov ’24