Unable to determine byte size

I'm having a very annoying issue where I'm unable to debug. Everytime I use po or print on an object I get:

`Unable to determine byte size`

Any idea how to fix this?

Same. I can't work without debugger! ***! All let's need to print()....

I'm having the same issue - xcode 7, Swift 2.0 - can't get experssion values at all.

In the middle of converting a project to use watchos2 with XCode 7 and I'm now seeing the same problem. Using cocoapods and afnetworking. Not seeing this wihen debugging other projects, so not a global or Xcode preferences problem.

I got things to work. The problem seems to have been in the framework I set up to share code between my iOS app, the today widget and the watch app (os 1). I played around with settings based on various postings--

I changed the includes in the umbrella from

#import <Project/File.h>


#import "File.h"

I made sure "Always Search User Paths" in the app settings was set to "NO"

Set the "Debug Information Format" in the framework settings from "DWARF" to "DWARF with dSYM File"

Not sure what made the difference, but hope these suggestions help.

yeah... same issue since 6+ years now?!?... ****** apple doesn't fix any fundamental issues. With every version they release a ton of new bugs and leave old ones linger for years. This is just one tiny sample of this truth. They should use their trillions to hire competent devs. Please, ditch Swift, and fix xcode, lldb and stop releasing until you deliver something you could be proud of (this is not Steve Jobs standard). Oh and we all opened bugs but never get fixed.

(I bet ya this comment will be removed by big brother apple, like a mean dictatorship)

Unable to determine byte size