ARkit Location Anchors

Hi! Would it be possible with the new ARkit to create an app that would allow the user to create location anchors based on geotagging so he could go back to those locations and see the where exactly was the AR object placed? Would the ARkit 4 allow this with iOS 14?
Hello Victor,

The Location Anchor feature new with ARKit 4.0 can support the use-case you describe. We even have an example implementation of a use-case very close to the one you described where you can place Location Anchors on AR planes and then save those locations to a file. You can then use that file to reload and view the Location Anchors you saved later on. I hope the app gives you some guidance in satisfying your use-case.

You can learn about the public example app here:

You can learn more about the Location Anchor feature from our WWDC Presentation on ARKit 4.0 here:

Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Hi, I just started exploring the example app... We can import lat lon data w/GPX Parser to anchor multiple locations without actually going there, right?

Yes, you only need valid latitude and longitude values. Altitude is optional: If not provided, ARKit will place objects at ground level. There are several ways to obtain latitude and longitude, I recommend those two:

  1. Look up the lat/lon coordinate in Apple Maps, see (at 7:42).
  2. Convert a point in ARKit coordinates to (latitude, longitude, altitude) while running an ARKit session, see

Both these approaches are also illustrated in the sample app: in

Create an Anchor When the User Taps the Map


Create an Anchor When the User Taps the AR View

ARkit Location Anchors