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MTLBinaryArchive Size
I'm trying to use MTLBinaryArchive. I collected a BinaryArchive from one device and used metal-tt to translate it for all supported iPhone devices, ranging from iPhone 7 Plus to iPhone 16. However, this BinaryArchive is quite large, around 1.5GB uncompressed, and about 500MB compressed in the IPA. I'm wondering how to address the size issue. I watched the WWDC 2022 video, which mentioned that the operating system or app installation process would handle compatibility. Does this compatibility support different GPU chips? I tried installing an IPA with a BinaryArchive collected only from an iPhone 12 on an iPhone 13, but the BinaryArchive didn't take effect. I also saw that Apple supports App Thinning. However, it seems that resources in the Asset Catalog cannot be accessed via URL, and creating an MTLBinaryArchive requires a URL. Is it possible for MTLBinaryArchive to be distributed through App Thinning? The WWDC 2022 video also mentioned using the -Os optimization flag to reduce size. Can this give an estimate of how much compression it would achieve? Are there any methods to solve the BinaryArchive size issue without impacting performance?
How can I get pixel coordinates in the fragment tile function?
In this video, tile fragment shading is recommended for image processing. In this example, the unpack function takes two arguments, one of which is RasterizerData. As I understand it, this is the data passed to us from the previous stage (Vertex) of the graphics pipeline. However, the properties of MTLTileRenderPipelineDescriptor do not include an option for specifying a Vertex function. Therefore, in this render pass, a mix of commands is used: first, a draw command is executed to obtain UV coordinates, and then threads are dispatched. My question is: without using a draw command, only dispatch, how can I get pixel coordinates in the fragment tile function? For the kernel tile function, everything is clear. typedef struct { float4 OPTexture [[ color(0) ]]; float4 IntermediateTex [[ color(1) ]]; } FragmentIO; fragment FragmentIO Unpack(RasterizerData in [[ stage_in ]], texture2d<float, access::sample> srcImageTexture [[texture(0)]]) { FragmentIO out; //... // Run necessary per-pixel operations out.OPTexture = // assign computed value; out.IntermediateTex = // assign computed value; return out; }
VISION : getting real geometry reflections in reality kit ?
as in the environments we have real tiem reflections of movies on a screen or reflections of the surrounding hood in the background... could i get a metallic surface getting accurate reflections of a box on top ? i don't mean getting a rpobe or hdr cubemap, i mean the same accurate reflections as the water of the mt hood with movie i'm wacthing in other app
why GLDContextRec::flushContextInternal() leads to abort
The flushContextInternal function in called abort internally. What caused this? Was it due to high device temperature or some other reason? Date/Time: 2024-08-29 09:20:09.3102 +0800 Launch Time: 2024-08-29 08:53:11.3878 +0800 OS Version: iPhone OS 16.7.10 (20H350) Release Type: User Baseband Version: 8.50.04 Report Version: 104 Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000 Triggered by Thread: 0 Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x00000001ed053198 __pthread_kill + 8 (:-1) 1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x00000001fc5e25f8 pthread_kill + 208 (pthread.c:1670) 2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001b869c4b8 abort + 124 (abort.c:118) 3 AppleMetalGLRenderer 0x00000002349f574c GLDContextRec::flushContextInternal() + 700 ( 4 DiSpecialDriver 0x000000010824b07c Di::RHI::onRenderFrameEnd() + 184 (RHIDevice.cpp:118) 5 DiSpecialDriver 0x00000001081b85f8 Di::Client::drawFrame() + 120 (Client.cpp:155) 2024-08-27_14-44-10.8104_+0800-07d9de9207ce4c73289507e608e5de4320d02ccf.crash
SceneKit SCNMorpher Supports SCNGeometry with Some SCNLevelOfDetail
In my project, I have several nodes (SCNNode) with some levels of detail (SCNLevelOfDetail) and everything works correctly, but when I add animation using morphing (SCNMorpher), the animation works correctly but without the levels of detail. Note: the entire scene is created in Autodesk 3D Studio Max and then exported in (.ASE) format. The goal is to make animations using morphing that have some levels of detail. Does anyone know if SCNMorpher supports geometry with some levels of detail? I appreciate any information about this case. Thanks everyone!!! Part of the code I use to load geometries (SCNGeometry) with some levels of detail (SCNLevelOfDetail) using morphing (SCNMorpher). node.morpher = [SCNMorpher new]; SCNGeometry *geometry = [self geometryWithMesh:mesh]; NSMutableArray <SCNLevelOfDetail*> *mutLevelOfDetail = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.mutLevelsOfDetail.count]; for (int i = 0; i < self.mutLevelsOfDetail.count; i++) { ASCGeomObject *geomObject = self.mutLevelsOfDetail[i]; SCNGeometry *geometry = [self geometryWithMesh:geomObject.mesh.mutMeshAnimation[i]]; [mutLevelOfDetail addObject:[SCNLevelOfDetail levelOfDetailWithGeometry:geometry worldSpaceDistance:geomObject.worldSpaceDistance]]; } geometry.levelsOfDetail = mutLevelOfDetail; node.morpher.targets = [node.morpher.targets arrayByAddingObject:geometry];
Is there a way to get all the turnbasematches that can join
I am using Unity's GameKit to implement a turnbase game. I want to make a UI in Unity to show all the games I can join. I tried using var matches = await GKTurnBasedMatch.LoadMatches(); to get all the open matches. But it seems that I can only get the matcm related to the current apple account. Can you help me get all the matches? ALSO I used var match = await GKTurnBasedMatchmakerViewController.Request(request); to exit the gamecenter interface and start a game (automatic matching, no one was invited) Another device used var match = await GKTurnBasedMatch.Find(request); to find the game, but it did not find the game, but it start a new game (automatic matching). Can you help me solve these problems?
JPEG2000 (JP2) Decoding Works on iOS 16 but Fails on iOS 18
I am extracting a JPEG2000 (JP2) facial image from an NFC passport chip (ISO/IEC 19794-5) and attempting to create a UIImage from it. On iOS 16, the following code works fine: import ImageIO import UIKit func getUIImage(from imageData: [UInt8]) -&gt; UIImage? { let data = Data(imageData) guard let imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(data as CFData, nil), let cgImage = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, 0, nil) else { print("Failed to decode JP2 image!") return nil } return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage) } However, on iOS 18, this fails with errors like: initialize:1415: *** invalid JPEG2000 file *** makeImagePlus:3752: *** ERROR: 'JP2 ' - failed to create image [-50] CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex: *** ERROR: failed to create image [-59] Questions: Did Apple remove or modify JPEG2000 support in iOS 18? Is there an official workaround for decoding JPEG2000 on iOS 18? Should I use Vision/Metal/Core Image instead? Is there a recommended way to convert JPEG2000 to JPEG/PNG before creating a UIImage? Are there any Apple-provided APIs that maintain backward compatibility for JPEG2000 decoding? Additional Info: The UInt8 array has a valid JPEG2000 header (0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0C 6A 50 ...). The image works on iOS 16 but fails on iOS 18. Tested on iPhone running iOS 18.0 beta. Any insights on how to handle JPEG2000 decoding in iOS 18 would be greatly appreciated! 🚀
Issue with Non-Consumable In-App Purchase in Unity (iOS Sandbox Environment)
Question: I'm encountering an issue with in-app purchases (IAP) in Unity, specifically for a non-consumable product in the iOS sandbox environment. Below are the details: Environment: Unity Version: 2022.3.55f1 Unity In-App Purchasing Version: v4.12.2 Device: iPhone (15, iOS 18.1.1) Connection: Wi-Fi iOS Settings: In-App Purchases set to “Allowed” initially Problem Behavior: I attempted to purchase a non-consumable item for the first time. The payment is successfully completed by entering the password. I then background the game app and navigate to the iOS Settings to set In-App Purchases to "Don't Allow." After returning to the game and either closing or killing the app, I try to purchase the same non-consumable item again. I checked canMakePayments() through the Apple configuration, and the app correctly detected that I could not make purchases due to the restriction. I then navigate back to Settings and set In-App Purchases to "Allow." Upon returning to the game, I try purchasing the non-consumable item again. A pop-up appears, saying, "You’ve already purchased this. Would you like to get it again for free?" The issue is: Will it deduct money for the second time, and why is the system allowing the user to purchase the same non-consumable item multiple times after purchasing it once? Is this the expected behavior for Unity In-App Purchasing, or is there something I might be missing in handling non-consumable purchases in this scenario? Additional Information: I’ve confirmed that the "In-App Purchases" are set to “Allowed” before attempting the purchase again. I understand that non-consumable products should not be purchased more than once, so I’m unsure why the system is offering to let the user purchase it again. I appreciate any insights into whether this is expected behavior or if I need to adjust how I handle the purchase flow.
Broadcast Upload Extension
I am trying to use Broadcast upload extension but Broadcast picker starts countdown and stops (swiftUI). Steps i followed. added BroadcastUploadExtension as target same app group for for main app and extension added packages using SPM i seems the extension functions are not getting triggered, i check using UIScreen.main.isCaptured also which always comes as false. i tried Using Logs which never Appeared.
Recently, I adopted MetalFX for Upscale feature. However, I have encountered a persistent build failure for the iOS Simulator with the error message, 'MetalFX is not available when building for iOS Simulator.' To address this, I modified the MetalFX.framework status to 'Optional' within Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries, adding the linker option (-weak_framework). Despite this adjustment, the build process continues to fail. Furthermore, I observed that the MetalFX sample application provided by Apple, specifically the one found at, also fails to build for the iOS Simulator target. Has anyone encountered this issue?
VRAM not freeing in Elite Dangerous
So I've been trying out GPTK with Elite Dangerous Horizons game and it looks like from what I can tell. The VRAM keeps going up until it goes over the limit where it drops the FPS to 1-3 FPS and then crashes the game. From the Performance HUD I can see that it looks like when using GPTK, the VRAM usage just keeps climbing and I never saw it drop down at all. I did some limited testing, and from that I think I can conclude that it is probably not a VRAM leak, but it might be caching it. The reason for this is because I noticed that if I went back to the area that I've been before. It won't increase the VRAM usage. So either there is something wrong with the freeing VRAM memory part, or it could be that GPTK might not be reporting the right amount of VRAM available to use? So maybe that's why it keeps allocating VRAM until it went out of memory and crashed the game. Just to test, I did try running the game with DXVK+MoltenVK combo, and I can see that it works just fine. VRAM is being freed up when it's no longer used. Is this a known issue in some games?
How to properly pass a Metal layer from SwiftUI MTKView to C++ for use with metal-cpp?
Hello! I'm currently porting a videogame console emulator to iOS and I'm trying to make the renderer (tested on MacOS) work on iOS as well. The emulator core is written in C++ and uses metal-cpp for rendering, whereas the iOS frontend is written in Swift with SwiftUI. I have an Objective-C++ bridging header for bridging the Swift and C++ sides. On the Swift side, I create an MTKView. Inside the MTKView delegate, I run the emulator for 1 video frame and pass it the view's backing layer for it to render the final output image with. The emulator runs and returns, but when it returns I get a crash in Swift land (callstack attached below), inside objc_release, which indicates I'm doing something wrong with memory management. My bridging interface (ios_driver.h): #pragma once #include <Foundation/Foundation.h> #include <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h> void iosCreateEmulator(); void iosRunFrame(CAMetalLayer* layer); Bridge implementation ( #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> extern "C" { #include "ios_driver.h" } <...> #define IOS_EXPORT extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default"))) std::unique_ptr<Emulator> emulator = nullptr; IOS_EXPORT void iosCreateEmulator() { ... } // Runs 1 video frame of the emulator and IOS_EXPORT void iosRunFrame(CAMetalLayer* layer) { void* layerBridged = (__bridge void*)layer; // Pass the CAMetalLayer to the emulator emulator->getRenderer()->setMTKLayer(layerBridged); // Runs the emulator for 1 frame and renders the output image using our layer emulator->runFrame(); } My MTKView delegate: class Renderer: NSObject, MTKViewDelegate { var parent: ContentView var device: MTLDevice! init(_ parent: ContentView) { self.parent = parent if let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice() { self.device = device } super.init() } func mtkView(_ view: MTKView, drawableSizeWillChange size: CGSize) {} func draw(in view: MTKView) { var metalLayer = view.layer as! CAMetalLayer // Run the emulator for 1 frame & display the output image iosRunFrame(metalLayer) } } Finally, the emulator's render function that interacts with the layer: void RendererMTL::setMTKLayer(void* layer) { metalLayer = (CA::MetalLayer*)layer; } void RendererMTL::display() { CA::MetalDrawable* drawable = metalLayer->nextDrawable(); if (!drawable) { return; } MTL::Texture* texture = drawable->texture(); <rest of rendering follows here using the drawable & its texture> } This is the Swift callstack at the time of the crash: To my understanding, I shouldn't be violating ARC rules as my bridging header uses CAMetalLayer* instead of void* and Swift will automatically account for ARC when passing CoreFoundation objects to Objective-C. However I don't have any other idea as to what might be causing this. I've been trying to debug this code for a couple of days without much success. If you need more info, the emulator code is also on Github Metal renderer: Bridge implementation: Bridging header: Any help is more than appreciated. Thank you for your time in advance.
GKMatch.chooseBestHostingPlayer(_:) always returns nil player
I'm building a game with a client-server architecture. Using GKMatch.chooseBestHostingPlayer(_:) rarely works. When I started testing it today, it worked once at the very beginning, and since then it always succeeds on one client and returns nil on the other client. I'm testing with a Mac and an iPhone. Sometimes it fails on the Mac, sometimes on the iPhone. On the device that it succeeds on, the provided host can be the device itself or the other one. I created FB9583628 in August 2021, but after the Feedback Assistant team replied that they are not able to reproduce it, the feedback never went forward. import SceneKit import GameKit #if os(macOS) typealias ViewController = NSViewController #else typealias ViewController = UIViewController #endif class GameViewController: ViewController, GKMatchmakerViewControllerDelegate, GKMatchDelegate { var match: GKMatch? var matchStarted = false override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() GKLocalPlayer.local.authenticateHandler = authenticate } private func authenticate(_ viewController: ViewController?, _ error: Error?) { #if os(macOS) if let viewController = viewController { presentAsSheet(viewController) } else if let error = error { print(error) } else { print("authenticated as \(GKLocalPlayer.local.gamePlayerID)") let viewController = GKMatchmakerViewController(matchRequest: defaultMatchRequest())! viewController.matchmakerDelegate = self GKDialogController.shared().present(viewController) } #else if let viewController = viewController { present(viewController, animated: true) } else if let error = error { print(error) } else { print("authenticated as \(GKLocalPlayer.local.gamePlayerID)") let viewController = GKMatchmakerViewController(matchRequest: defaultMatchRequest())! viewController.matchmakerDelegate = self present(viewController, animated: true) } #endif } private func defaultMatchRequest() -> GKMatchRequest { let request = GKMatchRequest() request.minPlayers = 2 request.maxPlayers = 2 request.defaultNumberOfPlayers = 2 request.inviteMessage = "Ciao!" return request } func matchmakerViewControllerWasCancelled(_ viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController) { print("cancelled") } func matchmakerViewController(_ viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController, didFailWithError error: Error) { print(error) } func matchmakerViewController(_ viewController: GKMatchmakerViewController, didFind match: GKMatch) { self.match = match match.delegate = self startMatch() } func match(_ match: GKMatch, player: GKPlayer, didChange state: GKPlayerConnectionState) { print("\(player.gamePlayerID) changed state to \(String(describing: state))") startMatch() } func startMatch() { let match = match! if matchStarted || match.expectedPlayerCount > 0 { return } print("starting match with local player \(GKLocalPlayer.local.gamePlayerID) and remote players \({ $0.gamePlayerID }))") match.chooseBestHostingPlayer { host in print("host is \(String(describing: host?.gamePlayerID))") } } }
Apple API "CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes provides resolution list which does not match with system resolution for the external monitors.
Our application is trying to read all resolutions of an external monitor. We have observed that, for the external monitor there is a mismatch in resolution list in our application and the resolution list in system settings. We are using the apple API "CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes" to read the resolutions.
Gestures not working correctly when setting the fov orientation to .horizontal
Hi there, I've discovered an issue with gesture handling in RealityKit when setting the camera’s fieldOfViewOrientation to horizontal. For instance, if I render a simple box at the center of the view with a collision shape that exactly matches its dimensions, the actual hit area behaves as if it's smaller than the box. Additionally, when attempting to drag the box away from the center, the hit area appears misaligned—offset slightly towards the center. Since the default fieldOfViewOrientation is vertical and everything works as expected in that mode, it seems that the gesture system might be assuming a vertical FOV. Given that the API allows setting it to horizontal, perhaps gestures should function correctly regardless of the orientation? Thank you!
RealityKit SIMD3 precision decreases with distance?
The farther away the center of a large entity is, the less accurate the positioning is? For example I am changing only the y-axis position of an entity that is tens of meters long, but i notice x and z drifting slowly the farther away the center of the entity is. I would not expect the x and z to move. It might be compounding rounding errors somewhere, or maybe the RealityKit engine is deciding not to be super precise about distant objects? Otherwise I just have a bug somewhere.
Question about metal-cpp resource allocation
I notice some metal-cpp classes have static funtion like static URL* fileURLWithPath(const class String* pPath); static class ComputePassDescriptor* computePassDescriptor(); static class AccelerationStructurePassDescriptor* accelerationStructurePassDescriptor(); which return a new object. these classes also provide 'alloc' and 'init' function to create object by default. for object created by 'alloc' and 'init', I use something like NS::Shaderd_Ptr or call release directly to free memory. Because 'alloc' and 'init' not explicit call on these static function. I wonder how to correctly free object created by these static function? did they managed by autorelease pool?
Photogrammetry requiring lidar-capable phones, curious why
Hello! I'm currently building an app where I feed images into a Photogrammetry session to create a USDZ. Pretty straightforward, works great. We've recently started some testing on older devices, and have discovered that Photogrammetry is requiring devices that have LIDAR (we've seen some console logs referencing LIDAR if we stumble through a photogrammetry process without checking isSupported first) Judging from @swredcam's posting about ReefScan from November 24 ( it looks like Photogrammetry did work on those non-LIDAR devices. In my own testing on an iPhone 12 mini with iOS 17, PhotogrammetrySession says it's not supported. Since we're only feeding in a sequence of photos that have never had depth data, and they process fine on pro/max devices, we're curious why this would require a LIDAR sensor to work, when it seems like it did work without LIDAR in the past. Or is there some other limitation of non-pro devices that is causing photogrammetry to not be supported (especially on today's really powerful hardware) Thanks! ++md
Morphing Animation Not Playing in an Xcode VisionOS App
I have a 3D model with morphing animation that works correctly in Blender. I exported this model as a USDZ file and tried to display it in an Xcode-developed visionOS app, but the morphing animation does not play. What I Have Tried: Morphing animation works correctly in Blender. After exporting to USDZ, the morphing animation does not play in the Xcode app. Linear motion animations (such as object movement) work fine. Behavior in Reality Converter: GLB files do not display. USDZ files load, but morphing animations do not play. What I Want to Know: Is there a way to play morphing animations in an Xcode-developed app? Does RealityKit support morphing animations? Can morphing animations be played in an Xcode-developed app? If RealityKit does not support morphing animations, what alternative methods can be used to play them? I am looking for a way to use the existing animations without recreating them. Additional Information: I have both the Blender file (where animations work) and the USDZ file (where animations do not play). I am developing a visionOS app using Xcode. Any advice or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!