Notes from What's New in Education (Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020)

What's New in Education

Yay, developers. You made a lot of apps for education.

Apple Schoolwork

Enables teachers to share materials, assign activities and track student progress.

Latest version of Schoolwork has a new design, which makes it easier to switch between Handouts and Students view.

The Chooser now has more metadata options available for listed activities, including thumbnails and summaries.

Adopt the Classkit framework. ClassKit allows your app to report information into Schoolwork.

ClassKit by default secures student data and only makes it available to privileged users, like teachers.

Activities can only be tracked if assigned via a Schoolwork Handout.

Learn more about ClassKit and the new ClassKit Catalog API by watching the "What's New in ClassKit" session video.

Apple School Manager (ASM)

IT admins can create classes and manage account credentials.

Enrolling devices into MDM is made simpler by Automated Device Enrollment.
  • Enroll devices and streamline their setup

  • Buy apps and books for students

  • Distribute custom apps

  • Create Managed Apple IDs for students

  • Assign privileges to IT team members

ASM, Classroom and Schoolwork integration

ASM-created classes are available in Classroom and Schoolwork.
Updates from ASM are synced down to Classroom and Schoolwork.

When students sign in with their Managed Apple ID (MAID), they will automatically show up in Classroom and be able to access their classes in Schoolwork.

Classroom is also adding features

Teachers can launch the same app on the whole class's iPads, or launch different apps for different groups.
Teachers can also monitor what is showing on each iPad's screen.
If the app is Classwork-enabled, the teacher can launch an app and have the correct activity already open.

Teachers can invite students to a class using a four-digit code and use AirPlay to display that code on an Apple TV.

Shared iPad

All student data should be synced from the cloud and not available on a shared iPad after the student logs out of that iPad.

Shared iPad Temporary Session

Enables schools to deploy devices with standard configurations which students can use without having sign-in credentials.

This allows the use of a Shared iPad in situations where a student's account may be having problems or not yet created. They can use the shared iPad, then sign out and have all the data be cleared from that iPad.

For MDMs, there's a option to disable Temporary Sessions.

For macOS, Apple is introducing a new Automatic Assessment Configuration Framework . A similar framework called UIKit Assessment has been used on iOS for standardized tests since 2016 and it's being brought over to macOS to take advantage of Mac's more powerful capabilities.

The Automatic Assessment Configuration Framework enables tests to be delivered to students without allowing those students to use features of the Mac which may give them unfair advantages while taking tests.

The Framework is available in iOS, macOS and also supports Catalyst.

Test takers are locked into the testing app and features like the ones below are disabled for the duration of the test:
  • Screen Sharing

  • Universal Clipboard

  • Dictation

Learn more about the Automatic Assessment Configuration Framework by watching the "What's New in Assessment" session video.

If you decide to incorporate the Automatic Assessment Configuration Framework into an app, you will need to use a new entitlement, so see the the Automatic Assessment Configuration Framework documentation for more details.

On iOS, the UIKit Assessment mode has now been deprecated.
Notes from What's New in Education (Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020)