short version question:
why some users after deleting and downloading back my in-house app, cannot start the new process for approving developer, but instead it tries to start and then crashes immediately?
long question version
I am maintaining an in-house distributed enterprise app.
due to update in iOS 18 update here users need to trust the developer via a new procedure that involves restarting device and inserting the phone code.
after thousands (more or less 30.000) of users with no issue at all, some of them has this problem, the old (expired)trust seems to be persistent and never updated.
Standard events
a user deletes the app via settings > general > VPN & device management or via classic persistent touch procedure
checks no other presence of the app is on the device via spotlight.
since it is the only app with "MyDeveloperName" on the phone, if users goe back to VPN & device management screen, no app or developer will be present.
user downloads new version of the app. If taps directly on the icon there is a system alert with says the developer must be trusted.
a this point in settings > general > VPN & device management you can find a line with developer name, tapping on it we find a screen where user finds a white button with BLUE message "authorize MyDeveloperName" and follows procedure.
My issue is that some users get following different behavior, and I do not understand why:
❌ tapping on downloaded app icon: no alert, but app tries to start then crashes.
❌ going in VPN & device management screen there is only RED write button "delete app"
in both paths, working and not working, the app results "verified" in VPN & device management screen (Apple says old authorizations are preserved.)