How to show XX minutes ago by Dynamic in my widget without second string?

Learning Keeping a Widget Up To Date I know I can show Text with a dynamic time, but It's a fixed format like 32sec or 2 hours 23 minutes

How can I just show "23 minutes ago" without second string?

Thanks for help me


Look into incorporating dateformat and date() in your code. Something like:

Code Block
let formatter = Date()
formatter.dateformat = “mm”
Text(“\(mm) minutes ago”)”

That may not be the exact cod, but it should get you on the right track.

Thank you for your reply @ CPSoftware 

But My need is to show this text dynamic changed by system like Text("\(now, style: .timer) ago")

Using your func just show 2m ago will not change by increasing

You can use RelativeDateTimeFormatter generating your own string to show:

Code Block
return RelativeDateTimeFormatter().localizedString(for: updated, relativeTo: Date())

Where updated is a Date.

Or in the View itself, using a Text view (update is again a Date):

Code Block
Text(updated, style: .relative)

Just to clarify, there is no way to pass formatting options into the style parameter right?
I'm also want to know how to format the date like this