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Posts under WidgetKit tag

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Widget AppIntent perform network request
I had write a widget after iOS 17+, It had a Toggle to perform a appintent . When switch the toggle, the appintent will perfrom , just like ` func perfrom() async throws -> some IntentResult { // first let first = try await getFristValue() let second = try await getSecondValue(by: first) let third = try awiat getThirdValue(by: second) return .result() } ` and I found, it will work when I am debugging connect with Xcode. But, when I don't connect xcode, it will not work. How can I fixed it ?
Slow bundle copy build phase from dependency
We have a dependency, Apollo iOS, that is managed by SwiftPM in an internal module Swift Package. That internal Swift Package is then linked and included in our iOS target. The iOS target has an associated WidgetKit extension app. When archiving the app, we're seeing extremely long "Copy Apollo_Apollo.bundle" build steps, on the magnitude of 15 minutes. This is only happening when copying the bundle for the Widget extension app. Builds are done with Xcode 15.2, but we've tried on 15.4 and 16.2, seeing a few minutes shaved off. How can we begin to debug this issue?
iOS Control Widget Crash
2024-12-12_15-10-54.4423_+0800-39bc42f42baee8f05378c4924bcac0ea28d49d67.crash we collect some device crash logs from the organizer window in Xcode. Thread 0 name: Thread 0 Crashed: 0 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x000000020eb8eb44 _platform_strlen + 4 1 libc++.1.dylib 0x000000019797c7f4 std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char>>::append(char const*) + 32 (string:2845) 2 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001859283c0 _gatherGenericParameters(swift::TargetContextDescriptor<swift::InProcess> const*, __swift::__runtime::llvm::ArrayRef<swift::MetadataOrPack>, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, __swift:... + 144 (MetadataLookup.cpp:1218) 3 libswiftCore.dylib 0x0000000185927f5c swift::TypeLookupError::TypeLookupError<_gatherGenericParameters(swift::TargetContextDescriptor<swift::InProcess> const*, __swift::__runtime::llvm::ArrayRef<swift::MetadataOrPack>, swift::TargetMet... + 76 (TypeLookupError.h:134) 4 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001858f9ba0 swift_getAssociatedTypeWitnessSlowImpl(swift::MetadataRequest, swift::TargetWitnessTable<swift::InProcess>*, swift::TargetMetadata<swift::InProcess> const*, swift::TargetProtocolRequirement<swift::... + 772 (Metadata.cpp:6636) 5 libswiftCore.dylib 0x00000001858f7ab4 swift_getAssociatedTypeWitness + 92 (Metadata.cpp:6702) 6 SwiftUI 0x000000018c5090d0 static ControlWidgetConfigurationAdaptor._makeWidgetConfiguration(widget:inputs:) + 152 (<stdin>:0) 7 SwiftUI 0x000000018bd69170 TupleWidgetConfiguration.MakeList.visit<A>(type:) + 1124 (TupleWidget.swift:88) 8 SwiftUI 0x000000018c42e948 TypeConformance<>.visitType<A>(visitor:) + 120 (WidgetConfiguration.swift:132) 9 SwiftUI 0x000000018bd68768 static TupleWidgetConfiguration._makeWidgetConfiguration(widget:inputs:) + 1668 (TupleWidget.swift:59) 10 SwiftUI 0x000000018c628548 closure #1 in WidgetGraph.init<A>(rootBundle:) + 1168 (WidgetGraph.swift:53)
Xcode 16.x project doesn’t build with (SiriKit / Widget) intent definition file + translations
If you add a (SiriKit / Widget) intent definition file to an Xcode project and then translate it into another language, the build of the iOS app only works until you close the project. As soon as you open the project again, you get the error message with the next build: Unexpected duplicate tasks A workaround for this bug is, that you convert the folder (where the intent file is located) in Xcode to a group. After that every thing works without problems. Steps to reproduce: Create a new iOS project Add a localization to the project (German for example) Add a SiriKit Intent Definition File Localize the SiriKit Intent Definition File Build the project (should work without errors) Close the project Open the project again Build the project again Expected result: The project builds without problems Current result: The project doesn’t build and returns the error: Unexpected duplicate tasks Is this a known problem? Is there a way to solve this without switching to Xcode groups (instead of folders)
Refreshing widgets - policy and background tasks?
I have widgets providing their timeline using the .atEnd reload policy, i.e.: // AppIntentTimelineProvider: return Timeline(entries: entries, policy: .atEnd) // TimelineProvider let timeline = Timeline(entries: entries, policy: .atEnd) completion(timeline) I can't seem to find any information on what happens after the end of the timeline. So, let's say I've got two days worth of entries, the dev docs for the reload policy say, "A policy that specifies that WidgetKit requests a new timeline after the last date in a timeline passes." Great! But how does it request the new timeline? Does iOS launch my app in the background and simply re-run the timeline to generate another two days worth of entries? I doubt it. I figure I need to implement some sort of background task, and the dev docs say how to do it with an Operation, but then I read that this is an old way of doing it? I've found some info online saying to use something like this, so this is what I've implemented: let kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask = "my.refresh.task.identifier" // This has been registered in the info.plist correctly class SchedulingService { static let shared = SchedulingService() func registerBackgroundTasks() { let isRegistered = BGTaskScheduler.shared.register(forTaskWithIdentifier: kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask, using: nil) { task in print("Background task is executing: \(task.identifier)") // This does print "true" self.handleWidgetRefresh(task: task as! BGAppRefreshTask) } print("Is the background task registered? \(isRegistered)") } func scheduleWidgetRefresh() { let request = BGAppRefreshTaskRequest(identifier: kBackgroundWidgetRefreshTask) // Fetch no earlier than 1 hour from now - test, will be two days request.earliestBeginDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 60 * 60) do { try BGTaskScheduler.shared.submit(request) print("Scheduled widget refresh for one hour from now") } catch { print("Could not schedule widget refresh: \(error)") } } private func handleWidgetRefresh(task: BGAppRefreshTask) { // Schedule a new refresh task scheduleWidgetRefresh() // Start refresh of the widget data let refreshTask = Task { do { print("Going to refresh widgets") try await self.backgroundRefreshWidgets() task.setTaskCompleted(success: true) } catch { print("Could not refresh widgets: \(error)") task.setTaskCompleted(success: false) } } // Provide the background task with an expiration handler that cancels the operation task.expirationHandler = { refreshTask.cancel() } } func backgroundRefreshWidgets() async throws { print("backgroundRefreshWidgets() called") definitelyRefreshWidgets() } } As I've commented above, the line print("Background task is executing: \(task.identifier)") does print true so the task has been registered correctly. I've put the app into the background and left it for hours and nothing is printed to the console. I've implemented a logger that writes to a file in the app container, but that doesn't get anything either. So, is there something I'm misunderstanding? Should I change the reload policy to .after(date)? But what makes the timeline reload? As a second but linked issue, my widgets have countdown timers on them and the entire timeline shows that every entry is correct, but the widgets on the Home Screen simply fail to refresh correctly. For example, with timeline entries for every hour for the next two days from 6pm today (so, 7pm, 8pm...) every entry in the preview in Xcode shows the right countdown timer. However, if you put the widget on the Home Screen, after about five hours the timer shows 25:12:34 (for example). No entry in the timeline preview ever shows more than 24 hours because the entires are every hour, and the one that shows a timer starting at 23:00:00 should never get to 24:00:00 as the next entry would kick in from 0:00:00, so it should never show more than 23:59:59 on the timer. It's like the 23:00:00 timer is just left to run for hours instead of being replaced by the next entry. It's as though the widget isn't refreshing correctly and entries aren't loaded? Given this is the Simulator - and my development device - and both are set to Developer Mode so widget refresh budgets aren't an issue, why is this happening? How do you get widgets to refresh properly? The dev docs are not very helpful (neither is the Backyard Birds example Apple keep pushing). Thanks!
Can I tell when my iOS Widget is running on MacOS (when Use IPhone Widgets is on)
I have an iOS Widget that also can load on the Mac when the Use iPhone Widgets setting is turned on on the Mac in Desktop & Dock. I want to use a different url scheme to open video clips from the widget if it is being clicked on iOS or the Mac. I tried using ProcessInfo.processInfo.isiOSAppOnMac but it always thinks it is on iOS. I also tried looking for the user document path to see if it was /var/mobile/ or /Users/. but it always thinks it is /var/mobile. I assume this is as it is not really a catalyst app but a WidgetKit extension from the phone. Is there anyway I can figure out when the widget is running on the mac? Thanks!
iOS 18 Button with accented image is broken(cannot tap) in desktop widget.
In iOS 18 widget, button is broken when it's has an accented desaturated image as content, the button's AppIntent will not trigger perform function. checkout the code below: ` struct WidgetExtEntryView : View { var entry: Provider.Entry var body: some View { VStack { Text("count:") Text("\(WidgetExtAppIntent.count)") HStack { // button can not be tapped Button(intent: WidgetExtAppIntent(action: "+1")) { VStack { Image(systemName: "plus.square.fill").resizable() .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.accentedDesaturated) // <-- here .frame(width: 50, height: 50) Text("Broken") } }.tint(.red) // button can be tapped Button(intent: WidgetExtAppIntent(action: "+1")) { VStack { Image(systemName: "plus.square.fill").resizable() .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.fullColor) // <-- here .frame(width: 50, height: 50) Text("OK").frame(width: 50, alignment: .center) } }.tint(.green) } .minimumScaleFactor(0.5) } } } ` check out the full demo project: ButtonInWidgetBrokenIOS18
Widget with dynamic property and clearing the option.
I have a widget with a dynamic property. I'm able to provide the options to the widget edit ui and the user can make their selection .. which filters what data gets shown in the widget. My use case is when the user goes back to the main app and deletes the option that is currently selected. Currently, the widget keeps that selection. How can I get the widget to clear that selection and show the defaultResult() from the EntityQuery?
Microphone access from control center
Title: Unable to Access Microphone in Control Center Widget – Is It Possible? Hello everyone, I'm attempting to create a widget in the Control Center that accesses the microphone, similar to how Shazam does it. However, I'm running into an issue where the widget always prints "Microphone permission denied." It's worth mentioning that microphone access works fine when I'm using the app itself. Here's the code I'm using in the widget: swift Copy code func startRecording() async { logger.info("Starting recording...") print("Starting recording...") recognizedText = "" isFinishingRecognition = false // First, check speech recognition authorization let speechAuthStatus = await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in SFSpeechRecognizer.requestAuthorization { status in continuation.resume(returning: status) } } guard speechAuthStatus == .authorized else { logger.error("Speech recognition not authorized") return } // Then, request microphone permission using our manager let micPermission = await AudioSessionManager.shared.requestMicrophonePermission() guard micPermission else { logger.error("Microphone permission denied") print("Microphone permission denied") return } // Continue with recording... } Issues: The code consistently prints "Microphone permission denied" when run from the widget. Microphone access works without issues when the same code is executed from within the app. Questions: Is it possible for a Control Center widget to access the microphone? If yes, what might be causing the "Microphone permission denied" error in the widget? Are there additional permissions or configurations required to enable microphone access in a widget? Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
Live Acitivities - ProgressView problem
Hello i ve implemented progressview and updating the state via push notification. the progress view wants closedrange which i followed but whenever i get update, the progress value resets to beginning my range is like : Date.now..endDate but i dont get it, lets assume that i get the date from database and initialized already then how the code will understand that what progress value will be as current ? it has to be something like i suppose : startDate..Date.now..endDate thanks
Background update home widget iOS
The application was initially written in Swift, and we released an update where the app was rewritten in Flutter. Currently, we are adding a widget natively written in SwiftUI to the Home screen. The widget updates are managed by BGTaskScheduler. In BGTaskScheduler, an API request is made to fetch the latest data. The data is then processed to calculate an average value, which is subsequently sent to UserDefaults. The widget displays data fetched from UserDefaults. The minimum update interval is set to 30 minutes. When testing the widget updates through a build in Xcode, the widget updates as expected at the specified interval. However, when this build was provided to users via TestFlight, the widget does not update for them. Could this issue be related to TestFlight’s resource limitations? Is there any guarantee that releasing this version will ensure the widget updates correctly for users?
Nov ’24
containerBackgroundRemovable(false) breaks tinting for the whole widget
I've encountered what appears to be a bug with widget background image tinting in SwiftUI. When using an image in containerBackground(for: .widget) to fill the entire widget, adding the .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) modifier breaks the widget's tinting behavior: The background image becomes permanently tinted, ignoring any widgetAccentedRenderingMode(_ renderingMode: WidgetAccentedRenderingMode?) settings Text elements become tinted even with .widgetAccentable(false) applied Sample code: struct MyWidget: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { AppIntentConfiguration(kind: "MyWidget", intent: MyWidgetIntent.self, provider: Provider()) { entry in MyWidgetView(entry: entry) .containerBackground(for: .widget) { Image("background") .resizable() .widgetAccentedRenderingMode(.fullColor) .scaledToFill() } } .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) // This causes the issue } } Workaround: I've managed to resolve this by using a ZStack with disabled content margins and passing the widget size through the entry. However, this seems like unintended behavior with the .containerBackgroundRemovable(false) modifier. Has anyone else encountered this issue or found a better solution? Device: iPhone 15 Pro iOS Version: 18.1 Xcode Version: 16.1
Nov ’24
Problems with Widget buttons not getting pressed
So I have a button on a widget styled as seen below. I want this button to take up the entirety of the width, problem is, when it does so either using a frame(maxWidth: .infinity) or if I increase the horizontal padding, the button still only gets clicked if the user taps near the buttons center. Otherwise, it will open the app. Relevant code: Button(intent: Intent_StartRest() ){ Text("stop") } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) .tint(.clear) .padding(.vertical, 6) .padding(.horizontal, 100) .background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 30).fill(.button)) .foregroundStyle(.buttonText) // Just sets text color .useAppFont(size: 18, relativeTo: .caption, weight: .bold) // Just sets font Any pointers?
Nov ’24
Control gallery preview bug
Environment: Xcode16, iOS 18.1 official version Background: I created a control center widget using a custom sf symbol Phenomenon: When I first installed it, it displayed normally in the control gallery, but when I recompiled and installed it again, the icon disappeared when I looked at it again in the control gallery. I used Console to check the error log and found that its output was' No image named 'my_custom _symbol_name' found in asset catalog for/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/F977FCFB-DA1C-4924-8613-50531CA2A364/MyDemoApp. app/PlugIns/MyDemoApp Extension. apex '. I found that this uuid was not consistent with the uuid I print during debugging, as if the control gallery had done some kind of caching; Additionally, when I added my Control to the Control Center, it was able to display normally, and the only issue was with the Control Gallery Attempted method: -Using the system SF Symbol, it works fine and can be displayed normally in the control gallery after recompilation. However, once I switch another SF Symbols, the icons in the control gallery do not update after recompilation and installation -Restarting the device, the same issue still persists Is this a system bug or did I make a mistake? Looking forward to someone helping, thank you My Code: @available(iOSApplicationExtension 18.0, *) struct MySearchControlWidget: ControlWidget { let kind = "MySearchControlWidget" let title = "My Title" var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration { let intent = MyCommonButtonControlWidgetIntent() StaticControlConfiguration(kind: kind) { ControlWidgetButton(action: intent) { Label("\(title)", image:"my_custom_symbol_name") } } .displayName("\(title)") } }
Nov ’24
Not understanding TimelineReloadPolicy in WidgetKit
Relevant docs: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/widgetkit/timelinereloadpolicy I don't understand how .atEnd and .after works and how they differ. So here's what I want: I want to display my widget then update it in 5 seconds. Now I know these examples show that I can use the .after policy like so: let timeline = Timeline( entries:[entry], policy: .after(nextUpdateDate) // 5 seconds after now ) But from reading the docs, .atEnd means: "A policy that specifies that WidgetKit requests a new timeline after the last date in a timeline passes." So why can't we do: let timeline = Timeline( entries:[entry1, entry2], // entry 2 has date 5 seconds after policy: .atEnd ) I tried this and it does not seem to work. When I say I tried, I just had an onAppear on my widget view to print out the entry dates, and the entry 5 seconds later never prints. So what does .atEnd actually do? What happens if we put .atEnd with 1 entry?
Nov ’24
Widget Configuration UI "Add new item"
In the Explore enhancements to App Intents WWDC video at the 11 minute mark I see this UI in the Widget configuration. My question is, how do I configure my Widget to use this UI in the intent configuration? I tried using all different sorts of types and am unable to reproduce it in my app
Nov ’24