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Posts under WidgetKit tag

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Dynamic island not displaying UI views
i finally got previews for dynamic island to work and I'm just trying to first work on adding a static UI elements to my dynamic island like i did for my live screen live activity, but my dynamic island view is showing up totally empty, if i add my app icon image to the compact leading closure, it doesn't appear, if i ad text to an expanded region closure it doesn't appear. am really stuck on this and would approeciate the help. var body: some View { Image("dynamicrep") .resizable() .scaledToFit() .clipShape(.circle) } } struct DynamicRepLiveActivity: Widget { var body: some WidgetConfiguration { ActivityConfiguration(for: DynamicRepAttributes.self) { context in VStack { HStack(spacing: 257) { Text("from \(context.attributes.titleName ?? "no title")") .fontWeight(.light) .font(.system(size: 16)) .foregroundStyle(Color.gray) Circle() .frame(width: 53, height: 50) .foregroundStyle(Color.gray).opacity(0.23) .overlay { Image("mmicon") } } .frame(maxWidth: 500, maxHeight: 210) Spacer() Text("\(context.attributes.contentBody ?? "no content")") } .activityBackgroundTint(Color.cyan) .activitySystemActionForegroundColor(Color.black) .frame(width: 500, height: 300) } dynamicIsland: { context in DynamicIsland { // Expanded UI goes here. Compose the expanded UI through // various regions, like leading/trailing/center/bottom DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.leading) { Text("from \(context.attributes.titleName ?? "no title")") } DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.trailing) { Circle() } DynamicIslandExpandedRegion(.bottom) { Text("\(context.attributes.contentBody ?? "no content")") } } compactLeading: { AppLogo() } compactTrailing: { Text("") //empty for now } minimal: { Text("hello") //empty for now } .widgetURL(URL(string: "MuscleMemory.KimchiLabs.com")) .keylineTint(Color.white) } } }
WidgetKit: add new widget to bundle
Hi, I have an existing Mac app on the App Store with a couple of widgets as part of the app. I want to now add a new widget to the WidgetBundle. When I build the updated app with Xcode, and then run the updated app, the widgets list doesn't seem to get updated in Notification Center or in the WidgetKit Simulator. I do have the App Store version installed in the /Applications folder as well, so there might be some conflict. What's the trick to getting the widgets list to run the debug version?
Symbol not found: NSUserActivityTypeLiveActivity and WidgetCenter.UserInfoKey.activityID
The app I'm working on has iOS 16.0 as target. Recently Live Activities support was added, but then it started crashing when running on iOS 16.0 devices. After some investigation, I've found that the culprit was the presence of NSUserActivityTypeLiveActivity and WidgetCenter.UserInfoKey.activityID, even though they were inside an @available(iOS 17.2, *) block. If I comment these two variables, the app work as expected. I've also tried adding #if canImport(ActivityKit) around the code, but without success. But if the @available isn't working, how can I prevent this? It looks like a bug, since the documentation says that NSUserActivityTypeLiveActivity is supported but iOS 14.0+, but I'm pretty sure it was introduced on 16.1. This is the only output I get with the crash: dyld[66888]: Symbol not found: _$s9WidgetKit0A6CenterC11UserInfoKeyV10activityIDSSvgZ Referenced from: <D6EFF120-2681-34C1-B261-8F3F7B388238> /Users/<redacted>/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8B5B4DC9-3D54-4C91-8C88-E705E851CA0F/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/DB6671FF-CB07-4570-BD63-C851D94FAF29/<redacted>.app/<redacted>.debug.dylib Expected in: <C5E72BB5-533F-3658-A987-E849888F4DFC> /Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Volumes/iOS_20A360/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 16.0.simruntime/Contents/Resources/RuntimeRoot/System/Library/Frameworks/WidgetKit.framework/WidgetKit
iOS 18.4 App updates crashes the widget and the only solution is to restart the device or change the device language
App update in which there were no changes regarding the widget. Just after it updated, the widget turns black in some cases. It also appears black in the widget gallery. Removing and adding it again did not work in this case, only after an iOS restart it works fine again This is the log 2025-03-20 02:14:05.961611 +0800 Content load failed: unable to find or unarchive file for key: [com.aa.bb::com.aa.bb.widget:cc_widget:systemMedium::360.00/169.00/23.00:(null)~(null)] on no host. The session may still produce one shortly. Error: Using url file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/51C5E4F2-6F1F-4466-A428-73C73B9CC887/SystemData/com.apple.chrono/placeholders/cc_widget/systemMedium----360.00w--169.00h--23.00r--1f--0.00t-0.00l-0.00b0.00t.chrono-timeline ... Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "file“systemMedium----360.00w--169.00h--23.00r--1f--0.00t-0.00l-0.00b0.00t.chrono-timeline”not exist。" UserInfo={NSFilePath=/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/PluginKitPlugin/51C5E4F2-6F1F-4466-A428-73C73B9CC887/SystemData/com.apple.chrono/placeholders/cc_widget/systemMedium----360.00w--169.00h--23.00r--1f--0.00t-0.00l-0.00b0.00t.chrono-timeline, NSUnderlyingError=0xa693d3a80 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
App Intents doesn't works in widgets
I’m trying to develop a widget with a button that triggers an app intent. I integrated the app intent into my app within a separate app framework. I tested it with Shortcuts and Siri, and it works well—it opens the app on the required screen. However, when I added a button Button(intent: MyIntent()) to my widget, it doesn’t work at all. The only clue I found is the following message in the Xcode debug console: “No ConnectionContext found for (some big integer)” when I tap on the widget's button. However, I see the same message when running it through the Shortcuts app, and in that case, it works fine. Does anyone know what might be causing this issue? My Intent: public struct OpenTextInputIntent: AppIntent { public static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Open text input" public static var openAppWhenRun: Bool = true @Parameter(title: "Predefined text") public var predefinedText: String @Dependency private var appCoordinator: AppCoordinatorProtocol public init() { } public func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { appCoordinator.openAddMessage(predefinedText: predefinedText) return .result() } } My widget's view: struct SimpleWidgetView : View { var entry: SimpleWidgetTimelineProvider.Entry var body: some View { ZStack(alignment: .leadingTop) { button } } private var button: some View { Button(intent: OpenTextInputIntent()) { Image(systemName: "mic.fill") .resizable() .aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit) .iconFrame() } .buttonStyle(PlainButtonStyle()) .foregroundStyle(Color.white) .padding(10) .background(Circle().fill(Color.accent)) } } Intents Registration in the app target: struct MyAppPackage: AppIntentsPackage { static var includedPackages: [any AppIntentsPackage.Type] { [FrameworkIntentsPackage.self] } } struct MyAppShortcutsProvider: AppShortcutsProvider { static var appShortcuts: [AppShortcut] { AppShortcut( intent: OpenTextInputIntent(), phrases: ["Add message in \(.applicationName)"], shortTitle: "Message input", systemImageName: "pencil.circle.fill" ) } } What I'm missing?
[S:1] Error received: Connection invalidated on empty project
Hello everyone, I'm encountering a persistent issue with my newly created widget project, even though it’s a clean, minimal setup. Every time I try to run the widget on the simulator or a device, I get the following error message: [S:1] Error received: Connection invalidated. I get this error even in a new project (I just created a new one) when I add a widget extension to it. The app itself works fine—no errors—but when I try to install the widget extension, it always shows me this error. Initially, I thought the issue was caused by an incorrect URLSession, but even after creating a clean (default) widget extension, the issue persists. I don’t know what to think anymore. Has anyone encountered this before? It’s completely blocking my progress. Conditions - new project from iOS App template WidgetExtension from template with no changes Iphone 14 pro IOS - 18.3.2
security policy does not allow @ path expansion
I’ve been working on a Catalyst version of my iOS apps. Finally everything is working apart from the custom intents the user user to configure the widgets. The config UI loads: And changing settings at this level works. But it can’t load the options for the other settings: “No options were provided for this parameter” I see this crash in the intent: Termination Reason: Namespace DYLD, Code 1 Library missing Library not loaded: @rpath/CocoaLumberjack.framework/Versions/A/CocoaLumberjack Referenced from: <E1BF4CC5-4181-3272-828C-86B1CD1A66BF> /Applications/my.app/Contents/PlugIns/Intents.appex/Contents/MacOS/Intents Reason: , (security policy does not allow @ path expansion) (terminated at launch; ignore backtrace) I have added the Hardened Runtime Capability to the Main App Target, the Widget Target and the Intents Target. I also allowed “Disable Library Validation” just in case. What am I missing?
Does DynamicOptionsProvider work on watchOS?
I'm curious, why DynamicOptionsProvider is available on watchOS? Is there any way to present options to the user? For example in Emoji Rangers project: struct EmojiRangerSelection: AppIntent, WidgetConfigurationIntent { static let intentClassName = "EmojiRangerSelectionIntent" static var title: LocalizedStringResource = "Emoji Ranger Selection" static var description = IntentDescription("Select Hero") @Parameter(title: "Selected Hero", default: EmojiRanger.cake, optionsProvider: EmojiRangerOptionsProvider()) var hero: EmojiRanger? struct EmojiRangerOptionsProvider: DynamicOptionsProvider { func results() async throws -> [EmojiRanger] { EmojiRanger.allHeros } } func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult { return .result() } } On watchOS we usually use recommendations() to give the user predefined choice of configured widgets. Meanwhile in AppIntentProvider recommendations are empty: struct AppIntentProvider: AppIntentTimelineProvider { ... func recommendations() -> [AppIntentRecommendation<EmojiRangerSelection>] { [] } } Does it imply that there's a way to use DynamicOptionsProvider on watchOS somehow? BTW, WidgetConfiguration.promptsForUserConfiguration() is one of the methods that are not available on watchOS. And also, the Emoji Ranger project doesn't show widgets (complications) on watchOS out of the box.
Sync an interactive widget's Core Data store with the main app (and iCloud)
Hi everyone! I have an app on the App Store that uses Core Data as its data store. (It's called Count on Me: Tally Counter. Feel free to check it out.) One of the app's core feature is an interactive widget with a simple button. When the button is tapped, it's supposed to update the entity in the store. My requirement is that the changes are then reflected with minimal latency in the main app and – ideally – also on other devices of the same iCloud user. And vice-versa: When an entity is updated in the app (or on another device where the same iCloud user is logged in), the widget that shows this entity should also refresh to reflect the changes. I have read multiple articles, downloaded sample projects, searched Stackoverflow and the Apple developer forums, and tried to squeeze a solution out of AI, but couldn't figure out how to make this work reliably. So I tried to reduce the core problem to a minimal example project. It has two issues that I cannot resolve: When I update an entity in the app, the widget is immediately updated as intended (due to a call to WidgetCenter's reloadAllTimelines method). However, when I update the same entity from the interactive widget using the same app intent, the changes are not reflected in the main app. For the widget and the app to use the same local data store, I need to enable App Groups in both targets and set a custom location for the store within the shared app group. So I specify a custom URL for the NSPersistentStoreDescription when setting up the Core Data stack. The moment I do this, iCloud sync breaks. Issue no. 1 is far more important to me as I haven't officially enabled iCloud sync yet in my real app that's already on the App Store. But it would be wonderful to resolve issue no. 2 as well. Surely, there must be a way to synchronize changes to the source of truth triggered by interactive widget with other devices of the same iCloud user. Otherwise, the feature to talk to the main app and the feature to synchronize with iCloud would be mutually exclusive. Some other developers I talked to have suggested that the widget should only communicate proposed changes to the main app and once the main app is opened, it processes these changes and writes them to the NSPersistentCloudKitContainer which then synchronizes across devices. This is not an option for me as it would result in a stale state and potential data conflicts with different devices. For example, when a user has the same widget on their iPhone and their iPad, taps a button on the iPhone widget, that change would not be reflected on the iPad widget until the user decides to open the app on the iPhone. At the same time, the user could tap the button multiple times on their iPad widget, resulting in a conflicting state on both devices. Thus, this approach is not a viable solution. An answer to this question will be greatly appreciated. The whole code including the setup of the Core Data stack is included in the repository reference above. Thank you!
WidgetInfo - intent is nil until edit face
We have a watchOS app that provides many configurable widgets. Those widgets are configured and installed with help of AppIntent: public struct RectComplAppIntent: AppIntent, WidgetConfigurationIntent, CustomIntentMigratedAppIntent { @Parameter(title: "Style") var style: String? .... } However when I print WidgetInfos with getCurrentConfigurations(), I sometimes got nil for configuration. At the same time widgets are not loaded. Exact steps: User installs the pre-cofnigured .watchface. Complications are not loaded since configuration is missing. I print getCurrentConfigurations() and get entries like this: WidgetInfo: - configuration: nil - widgetConfigurationIntent: nil - family: accessoryRectangular - kind: Rectangle Then user force-touches a face and opens editing mode. Returns to watch app, prints infos: WidgetInfo: - configuration: <INIntent: 0x780d290> { style = vol1Logo; } - widgetConfigurationIntent: nil - family: accessoryRectangular - kind: Rectangle – Suddenly intent appears with the correct style and complications start to show up. How do you think, why it happens? Why after .watchface install all the WidgetInfo has nil intent (configuration)? What helps them to load later? You can try this face yourself: https://cdn.watchfaces.co/watchfaces/glance-minimalist.watchface
iPad widget bug
Widgets on the widget is not responding to the touch properly. This issue is also affecting within the home screen widget in a way that the widget switches to light mode by itself even though I am in dark mode. Additionally, lock screen does not to respond once the lock screen widget has been edited. Is anyone else having this issue?
Complications Appear Unnamed in Watch App After Syncing .watchface File
When using my app's complications with either Siri Intents or App Intents after syncing .watchface files, the complications appear without names in the iOS Watch app's complication picker. This leads to complications showing as blank entries without previews in the native watch app selector. I'm using WidgetKit to create Watch complications with both approaches: AppIntents and Siri Intents. We've tried multiple approaches with our WidgetKit watch complications: Switching between IntentConfiguration and StaticConfiguration Using different naming conventions for kind strings Ensuring display names are properly set Testing across different watchOS versions But the result is always the same: after syncing .watchface files, our complications appear unnamed in the Watch app's complication picker. Is this a known limitation with .watchface syncing, a bug in the current implementation, or is there a specific requirement we're missing to maintain complication names during the sync process?
Live Activity Update Not Working Consistently in the Background
Hi everyone, I’m working on implementing Live Activities in my app, and I’ve encountered an issue where the Live Activity updates work intermittently when the app is in the background. Sometimes they update correctly, but at other times, they don’t update at all, even though they should be running in the background. However, when the app is brought to the foreground, the updates happen correctly. A few things I’ve checked: The app is using ActivityKit to update the Live Activity with Activity.update(). I’ve enabled the necessary background modes in the Capabilities section. Is there a possibility that I’m hitting the system budget limit while experiencing this issue? If this is a limitation, how can I avoid it or manage this situation? Has anyone else faced this issue? Any advice or potential solutions would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
How to check for cancellation of background task
When using the old withTaskCancellationHandler(operation:onCancel:isolation:) to run background tasks, you were notified that the background task gets cancelled via the handler being called. SwiftUI provides the backgroundTask(_:action:) modifier which looks quite handy. However how can I check if the background task will be cancelled to avoid being terminated by the system? I have tried to check that via Task.isCancelled but this always returns false no matter what. Is this not possible when using the modifier in which case I should file a bug report? Thanks for your help
AppIntent perform method not called.
We have a widget bundle with multiple widgets. I'm adding a widget that is interactive (iOS 17 and higher). Our widget code is in a static library that gets linked into the widget extension target in our main app Xcode project. I have SwiftUI buttons constructed with the intent constructor in our UI See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swiftui/button/init(intent:label:) When I press the button the timeline refreshes (conforming to TimelineProvider) but the perform method doesn't seem to be called. I've seen multiple pieces of advice and none of them seem to work. I've tried on a physical device and a simulator. I've tried adding an AppIntentsPackage. I've tried including the AppIntent code in the app and the widget. I've tried setting the openAppWhenRun to true and false and not setting it at all. I've tried simplifying the intent to just printing out a line to the console and returning a result. At this point I have no idea how to debug this and I don't know what else to try. I appreciate any helpful advice at this point.
Control Widget SF image cannot stably display
I'm working on the control widget which should display the SF image on the UI, but I have found that it cannot be displayed stably. I have three ExampleControlWidget which is about the type egA egB and egC, it should all be showed but now they only show the text and placeholder. I'm aware of the images should be SF image and I can see them to show perfectly sometimes, but in other time it is just failed. This's really confused me, can anyone help me out? public enum ControlWidgetType: Sendable { case egA case egB case egC public var imageName: String { switch self { case .egA: return "egA" case .egB: return "egB" case .egC: return "egC" } } } struct ExampleControlWidget: ControlWidget { var body: some ControlWidgetConfiguration { AppIntentControlConfiguration( kind: kind, provider: Provider() ) { example in ControlWidgetToggle( example.name, isOn: example.state.isOn, action: ExampleControlWidgetIntent(id: example.id), valueLabel: { isOn in ExampleControlWidgetView( statusText: isOn ? Localization.on.text : Localization.off.text, bundle: bundle, widgetType: .egA //or .egB .egC ) .symbolEffect(.pulse) } ) .disabled(example.state.isDisabled) } .promptsForUserConfiguration() } } public struct ExampleControlWidgetView: View { private let statusText: String private let bundle: Bundle private var widgetType: ControlWidgetType = .egA public init(statusText: String, bundle: Bundle, widgetType: ControlWidgetType) { self.statusText = statusText self.bundle = bundle self.widgetType = widgetType } public var body: some View { Label( statusText, image: .init( name: widgetType.imageName, // the SF Symbol image id bundled in the Widget extension bundle: bundle ) ) } } This is the normal display: These are the display that do not show properly: The results has no rules at all, I have tried to completely uninstall the APP and reinstall but the result is same.
Control Center Widget icon disappear occasionally
Hi folks, We are trying to develop a widget on iPhone control center. We follow the Apple design guideline to export our resource file using custom icon and the button icon always show on debug build. However, when we deploy to TestFlight, under some scenario, such as app upgrade, we found that the icon image disappear occasionally. Anyone could help? Thank you in advance!
Swipe gestures for widgets
Hey, I am building some widgets and I'm quite surprised that Swipe gestures for widgets is not supported. It means the user must sacrifice home screen real estate to view multiple widgets to receive the same information. Ideally, swiping left / right inside of the widget should give a developer access to present different views. I realize that it means that a user would need to swipe outside of the widget, (or swipe to the beginning/end of the series of views inside of the widget) for the page to swipe, but I'd argue that this is the intuitive behavior of what widget scrollview would or should look like anyway.
Feb ’25
Core Data Light Migration Crash When Widget is Installed (Error 134100)
I'm experiencing a crash during a lightweight Core Data migration when a widget that accesses the same database is installed. The migration fails with the following error: CoreData: error: addPersistentStoreWithType:configuration:URL:options:error: returned error NSCocoaErrorDomain (134100) error: userInfo: CoreData: error: userInfo: error: metadata : { NSPersistenceFrameworkVersion = 1414; NSStoreModelVersionChecksumKey = "dY78fBnnOm7gYtb+QT14GVGuEmVlvFSYrb9lWAOMCTs="; NSStoreModelVersionHashes = { Entity1 = { ... }; Entity2 = { ... }; Entity3 = { ... }; Entity4 = { ... }; Entity5 = { ... }; }; NSStoreModelVersionHashesDigest = "aOalpc6zSzr/VpduXuWLT8MLQFxSY4kHlBo/nuX0TVQ/EZ+MJ8ye76KYeSfmZStM38VkyeyiIPf4XHQTMZiH5g=="; NSStoreModelVersionHashesVersion = 3; NSStoreModelVersionIdentifiers = ( "" ); NSStoreType = SQLite; NSStoreUUID = "9AAA7AB7-18D4-4DE4-9B54-893D08FA7FC4"; "_NSAutoVacuumLevel" = 2; } The issue occurs only when the widget is installed. If I remove the widget’s access to the Core Data store, the migration completes successfully. The crash happens only once—after the app is restarted, everything works fine. This occurs even though I'm using lightweight migration, which should not require manual intervention. My suspicion is that simultaneous access to the Core Data store by both the main app and the widget during migration might be causing the issue. Has anyone encountered a similar issue? Is there a recommended way to ensure safe migration while still allowing the widget to access Core Data? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Feb ’25