Xcode 12 beta limited photo access bugs

On my Xcode 12 beta simulators I am seeing several bugs when in limited photo access:
  1. Despite giving access to a subset of my photos (let's say 10 out of 100), when I call

Code Block    PHFetchOptions *fetchOptions = [[PHFetchOptions alloc] init];  fetchOptions.sortDescriptors = @[[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:@"creationDate" ascending:NO]];  PHFetchResult<PHAsset *> *accessibleAssets = [PHAsset fetchAssetsWithOptions:fetchOptions];

accessibleAssets contains all 100 of the simulator's photos.

2. When I display the limited library picker and make changes, the PHFetchResultChangeDetails object that is sent to the photoLibraryDidChange method does not contain any PHAsset objects in the result of the removedObjects, insertedObjects, or changedObjects so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to handle these changes if I need to take action on newly accessible/inaccessible photos.

Both of these are reproducible on Xcode 12 betas 1 through 6.

Is there any information on when these issues would be fixed? They are very difficult to deal with and are blocking me from releasing iOS 14 compatible updates to my application.
u can try use iphone or ipad device with iOS 14.

u can try use iphone or ipad device with iOS 14.

Sure, if I had a physical device that I could install a beta version onto, but I don't. The simulators should work as well, I don't think this is a valid argument - they are an important tool in the development toolkit.


I haven't checked the hasIncrementalChanges value yet (it's in a different git branch I can't / don't want to access right now), so this might be false, but it seems weird if that was the case. Adding access to a single photo would require me to refresh "everything"? Seems odd, but I'll wait for an Apple engineer to provide feedback I guess! Thanks for the tip here though!
These issues still exist in the Xcode 12 GM build unfortunately. I am not sure how developers are supposed to support limited photo library access without using a physical device (for issue 1 at least), which is really unfortunate.

Hopefully I am missing something and this works somehow with the right setup/config/options/etc.... will wait for more feedback!
Xcode 12 beta limited photo access bugs