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Videos viewed in WKWebView have Spatial Audio issues
I have an app that has a WKWebView for watching YouTube videos. When the videos are windowed the audio seems fine, positionally as well. All perfectly. When I fullscreen the video and it goes into the native visionOS video player the audio messes up. It will suddenly sound like it is in your ears, or maybe even just one ear channel, or the position will be wrong. It might be fine for a moment but the second I touch the controls or move the window the sound jumps across the room, away from the window, or switches to stereo. Sometimes exiting windows entirely you will still hear the videos playing. Even if you open the window back up and go to another screen and open another video, now you hear 2 videos playing at the same time with no way to stop the first one in the background, requiring to force restart the app. It is all sorts of glitchy. I haven't the slightest clue what is happening here. I am strongly feeling this is a visionOS bug. I tried using AVAudioSession to change some of the sound settings, and that makes zero difference in behavior. Multiple testers have also reported this behavior and it has been seen on both visionOS 2.3 and 2.4 betas. Thanks for the help! This is driving me mad! It is extremely consistent behavior!
AudioUnit (AUv2) Session Compatibility After Adding MIDI Support
Hi there! We have a suite of AudioUnit v2 plugins that have been shipped for some time as aufx plugins, and we are looking into MIDI-related platform upgrades, so we need a way to update these plugins to request MIDI from Logic (and other AU hosts) but avoid changing our AU type and subtype so we don't break existing sessions. Any ideas on how we can do this?
Airplay selection not working
I'm trying to implement airplay into my app. I can successfully playback sound and trigger the airplay selector sheet. If the target device is a Bluetooth only device I can connect with no problem and stream the audio to the Bluetooth device, but if the audio device is a airplay specific device like a HomePod or an Apple TV when I select it, I get a spinning icon, indicating that it is trying to connect, and eventually it times out and stops without connecting. I don't believe it is an AirPlay audio issue because if I go to a different app, for example a podcast app and select my HomePods for output, and then switch back to my app. My audio will correctly stream to the HomePod. Not only that, I have it so that my icon will change color to indicate that it is connected via airplay and it is correctly indicating that it is connected via AirPlay. But I cannot then disconnect it using the Airplay selector. The issue appears to be in the AirPlay selection side, which I have spent several days attempting to troubleshoot mostly using ChatGPT to suggest code different than what I have to maybe work around the issue. Mostly it is focused on the audio player section, but it doesn't seem like that is really the route that is the problem.
Play Audio for a Metronome
Hi, I am looking for a good way to play sounds at a high frequency. At the moment I am using the AVAudioEngine, and create a couple AVAudioPlayerNode and for each sound I need to play I create a AVAudioPCMBuffer. When the app needs to play a sound, I get the correct AVAudioPCMBuffer for the sound and use the first available AVAudioPlayerNode and feed it to the buffer. The timing for a metronome app has to be very precise because if it's of by about 16ms the user can hear that it is not playing had the right interval. For low speeds this is working without any problems, but at high speeds it is getting worse. Maybe anyone has an idea on how I can improve my method. Its a Plugin for Flutter. import AVFoundation class FastSoundPlayer { private var audioPlayers: [SoundPlayer?] = [] private var sounds: [String: Sound] = [:] private var engine = AVAudioEngine() let session = AVAudioSession.sharedInstance() init() { do { try session.setCategory(AVAudioSession.Category.playback, mode: AVAudioSession.Mode.default, options: [AVAudioSession.CategoryOptions.mixWithOthers]) try session.setActive(true) createSoundPlayers(count: 20) try engine.start() } catch { print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } // Selector method to handle applicationDidBecomeActiveNotification func applicationDidBecomeActive() { // Reinitialize AVAudioEngine and reattach all nodes do { engine.reset() objc_sync_enter(audioPlayers) audioPlayers.removeAll() createSoundPlayers(count: 20) objc_sync_exit(audioPlayers) try engine.start() } catch { print("Error starting audio engine: \(error.localizedDescription)") } } func createSoundPlayers(count: Int) { for _ in 0..<count { let player = SoundPlayer() engine.attach(player.player) engine.connect(player.player, to: engine.mainMixerNode, format: nil) audioPlayers.append(player) } } func load(sound: Data, name: String) { let sound = Sound(soundData: sound) sounds[name] = sound } func play(name: String) { if !engine.isRunning { applicationDidBecomeActive() } guard let sound = sounds[name] else { print("Sound not found") return } if let player = getAvailablePlayer() { player.play(sound: sound) } } func getAvailablePlayer() -> SoundPlayer? { for player in audioPlayers { if !player!.isPlaying { return player } } return nil } } class SoundPlayer { let player = AVAudioPlayerNode() var isPlaying = false init() { player.volume = 1.0 } func play(sound: Sound) { player.scheduleBuffer(sound.sound!, at: nil, options: .interrupts, completionCallbackType: .dataPlayedBack) { _ in self.complete() } if (player.engine != nil && player.engine!.isRunning) { player.play() isPlaying = true } } func complete() { isPlaying = false } } class Sound { var sound: AVAudioPCMBuffer? init(soundData: Data) { do { let temporaryURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("tempSound.wav") try soundData.write(to: temporaryURL) // Create AVAudioFile from the temporary file URL let audioFile = try AVAudioFile(forReading: temporaryURL) // Define the format for the PCM buffer (44100Hz, stereo) let format = AVAudioFormat(commonFormat: .pcmFormatInt16, sampleRate: 44100, channels: 2, interleaved: false) // Create AVAudioPCMBuffer guard let pcmBuffer = AVAudioPCMBuffer(pcmFormat: format!, frameCapacity: AVAudioFrameCount(audioFile.length)) else { // Failed to create PCM buffer self.sound = nil return } // Read audio file into PCM buffer try audioFile.read(into: pcmBuffer) // Assign the created AVAudioPCMBuffer to the sound property self.sound = pcmBuffer } catch { print("Error loading sound file: \(error.localizedDescription)") self.sound = nil } } } Thanks!
Playback Issues for DRM content when sending CMCD
Since iOS and tvOS 18, CMCD can now be automatically sent by AVPlayer (https://developer.apple.com/streaming/Whats-new-HLS.pdf). However, after enabling CMCD, our streams occasionally fail with the following error: CoreMediaErrorDomain Error -17383 This issue appears to affect only DRM-protected (FairPlay) streams so far. We activate CMCD via the resource loader of an AVURLAsset, before assigning the item to an AVPlayer. Unfortunately, we haven’t found a reliable way to reproduce the issue, and we’ve been unable to gather any useful diagnostic information. Has anyone else observed this behavior when enabling CMCD on FairPlay streams?
Feature Request: Long-Lived Access to Personal Apple Music Data
Feature Request: Long-Lived Access to Personal Apple Music Data Use Case Summary I'm developing a personal portfolio website (using Nuxt) and want to display information from my own Apple Music library - showcasing personal playlists, recently played tracks, or a read-only "now playing" widget. This is purely for personal use on my website and doesn't require other users to log in. With Spotify's API, implementing this was straightforward thanks to automatic token refresh. I want a similarly seamless integration with Apple Music. Challenge with MusicKit and Music User Tokens Apple Music API requirements Apple's Music API requires a valid Music User Token (MUT) for requests involving personal library data. Beyond the Apple Developer Token, you must obtain a user-specific token via MusicKit authentication to access your own library playlists, play history, or current playback status. Token expiration and manual renewal Music User Tokens expire after approximately 6 months without any mechanism to automatically refresh or renew them - unlike typical OAuth flows that provide refresh tokens. Apple's guidance suggests the device (e.g., iPhone) is responsible for obtaining new user tokens when old ones expire. This works for interactive apps on Apple devices but fails in server-side or long-lived web contexts like a personal website widget. Impact on personal projects Displaying Apple Music data on a public-facing site becomes difficult. I would need to periodically re-authenticate through the MusicKit JS flow every few months just to keep a widget alive. Embedding credentials in a public site is insecure, and manual token refreshing is cumbersome and easy to forget. Comparison to Spotify's Token Model Spotify's API offers a developer-friendly authentication model. Their OAuth flow provides a Refresh Token that applications can use to obtain new access tokens automatically without requiring user re-authorization. This means a personal app can maintain continuous access to a user's Spotify data for extended periods until access is revoked. When building a similar feature with Spotify, this automatic token renewal was crucial. I could safely store the refresh token on my server and have my app periodically update the access token. Many developers have created public-facing widgets showing currently playing tracks on blogs or GitHub profiles using this model. Unfortunately, Apple Music's API lacks an equivalent capability, putting it at a disadvantage for personal projects. Proposed Solutions I request Apple's consideration for one of these enhancements: Provide a mechanism to refresh or extend a Music User Token programmatically for server-side applications. This could be an OAuth-style refresh token issued alongside the MUT, or a dedicated endpoint to exchange an expired MUT for a new one. This would enable renewal without a full user re-auth/login each time. Allow developers to access their own Apple Music library data with just the long-lived Developer Token. Apple could permit GET requests to personal library endpoints using the Developer Token alone, or a special token tied to the developer's Apple ID. This access would be read-only - no ability to modify the library, purely for retrieving data. It could be an opt-in feature in the Apple Developer account settings. Either solution would significantly improve the developer experience for Apple Music API in personal projects. Security and Privacy Considerations This request is not about accessing others' data or creating privacy loopholes - it's about empowering an Apple Music subscriber to access their own information more conveniently. The proposed options respect privacy principles: The data accessed is only what the user already has access to - their own playlists, library items, or playback status. An automatic token refresh can be designed securely (revocable tokens bound to a single account with no increase in permissions). Read-only developer token access could be restricted to non-sensitive data and require explicit opt-in. Conclusion I request an improvement to Apple Music's developer experience through either (1) an automatic Music User Token refresh mechanism, or (2) a provision for read-only personal library access using a Developer Token. This would bring Apple Music integration capabilities closer to parity with services like Spotify for personal projects. I ask Apple's Developer Relations and the Apple Music API team to consider this feature request. If there are existing best practices or workarounds with current APIs, I would appreciate guidance. I invite feedback from Apple or other developers. Are there known patterns for maintaining an Apple Music user token for server-side applications, or any plans to support non-interactive use cases? Any advice is welcome. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to integrating Apple Music into my personal site as smoothly as with other services, and believe many developers would benefit from this added flexibility. Sources: User Authentication for MusicKit - Requirements for Music User Tokens StackOverflow: Do Apple Music User Tokens expire? - Confirmation of 6-month expiration MetaBrainz GSoC Blog - Documentation of MusicKit authentication limitations Apple Developer Forums - Information on token renewal behavior Spotify for Developers - Documentation on refresh token mechanism
How to detect HDCP support in Safari.
I am playing FairPlay + Multi-Key content (fMP4) in Safari browser. I want to implement the implementation to distinguish between SD and HD video quality, and play it in HD if HDCP is supported, and in SD if HDCP is not supported. I have already confirmed that HDCP support is the default, and that a black screen is output in non-HDCP environments. What I want is to improve the user experience by appropriately switching to SD/HD depending on HDCP support when playing DRM content. Question: Is there an API or function that can detect HDCP support in Safari through JavaScript or other methods? Or is there a way to indirectly guess it?
Memory leak AVAudioPlayer
Let's consider the following code. I've created an actor that loads a list of .mp3 files from a Bundle and then makes it available for audio reproduction. Unfortunately, I'm experiencing a memory leak. At the play method. player.play() From Instruments I get _malloc_type_malloc_outlined libsystem_malloc.dylib start_wqthread libsystem_pthread.dylib private actor AudioActor { enum Failure: Error { case soundsNotLoaded([AudioPlayerClient.Sound: Error]) } enum Player { case music(AVAudioPlayer) } var players: [Sound: Player] = [:] let bundles: [Bundle] init(bundles: UncheckedSendable<[Bundle]>) { self.bundles = bundles.wrappedValue } func load(sounds: [Sound]) throws { try AVAudioSession.sharedInstance().setActive(true, options: []) var errors: [Sound: Error] = [:] for sound in sounds { guard let url = bundle.url(forResource: sound.name, withExtension: "mp3") else { continue } do { self.players[sound] = try .music(AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: url)) } catch { errors[sound] = error } } guard errors.isEmpty else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded(errors) } } func play(sound: Sound, loops: Int?) throws { guard let player = self.players[sound] else { return } switch player { case let .music(player): player.numberOfLoops = loops ?? -1 player.play() } } func stop(sound: Sound) throws { guard let player = self.players[sound] else { throw Failure.soundsNotLoaded([:]) } switch player { case let .music(player): player.stop() } } }
Configuring CaptureVideoDelegate to avoid gamma/transfer function
I'm working on an application that uses the iPhone camera for scientific purposes - and, as a result would like to receive video in as unprocessed format as possible. In particular, I'm interested in getting pixel buffers that contain pretty much the bayer data as the sensor sees it - with the minimum processing of color possible. Currently we configure the AVCaptureDevice to fix the focus and exposure, use a low ISO with no gain and set the white balance gains to 1. AVCaptureVideoDataOutput is using 32BGRA. What I'd like to do is remove any additional color and brightness processing such that the data is effectively processed with a linear transfer function (i.e. gamma function is 1). I thought that this might be down to using the AVCaptureDevice activeColorSpace - we currently use P3_D65 for this. But there only seems to be a few choices (e.g. sRGB, HLG_BT2020) all of which I think affect the gamma. So: is it possible to control or specify the gamma / transfer function when using CaptureVideoDelegate? if not, does one of the color space settings have a defined gamma function that I can effectively reverse it from the pixel data without losing too much information? or is there a better way to capture video-ish speed images (15-30fps) from the camera sensor that skips processing like this? Many thanks for any suggestions.
Unable to Fetch Videos from Recently Deleted Album Using Photos Framework in iOS 18.3.1
Hello everyone, I’m working on an iOS app that fetches videos from the "Recently Deleted" album using the Photos framework in Swift. However, I’m unable to fetch any videos, even though the "Recently Deleted" album contains 233 items (including videos), as seen in the Photos app. Environment: iOS Version: 18.3.1 Xcode Version: 16.2 Swift Version: Swift 5 Device: iPhone (simulator and physical device both tested) Photo Library Permission: "All Photos" access granted Recently Deleted Lock: Face ID/Passcode is disabled for "Recently Deleted"
Moving photos to a shared library programmatically
Hello everyone, I am looking for a solution to programmatically, e.g. using AppleScript to import photos into the Photos library on MacOS and also push them to the shared library, like it can be done using the standard GUI of the Photos application. Maybe it is not possible using AppleScript, but using a short Swift script and PhotoKit, I do not not know. Any help is appreciated! Thomas
FairPlay-Protected HLS Files Not Transferred via Quick Start
FairPlay-Protected HLS Files Not Transferred via Quick Start I have an iOS app that downloads HLS files, which are protected by FairPlay. These files are stored locally, and their locations are managed using Core Data. When playing these tracks, I use AVURLAsset to access the stored file paths. Recently, a client upgraded to a new iPhone and used Quick Start to transfer data from his old device. While all other app data was successfully transferred, including Core Data records and UserDefaults, the actual HLS files were missing. As a result, the app retained metadata about the downloaded content, but the files themselves were gone, causing playback failures. Does Quick Start exclude certain types of locally stored files, especially DRM-protected HLS downloads, or is the issue related to how FairPlay-protected content is handled during the transfer of locally stored files?
FairPlay-Protected HLS Files Not Transferred via Quick Start
I have an iOS app that downloads HLS files, which are protected by FairPlay. These files are stored locally, and their locations are managed using Core Data. When playing these tracks, I use AVURLAsset to access the stored file paths. Recently, a client upgraded to a new iPhone and used Quick Start to transfer data from his old device. While all other app data was successfully transferred, including Core Data records and UserDefaults, the actual HLS files were missing. As a result, the app retained metadata about the downloaded content, but the files themselves were gone, causing playback failures. Does Quick Start exclude certain types of locally stored files, especially DRM-protected HLS downloads, or is the issue related to how FairPlay-protected content is handled during the transfer of locally stored files?
Best way to stream audio from file system
I am trying to stream audio from local filesystem. For that, I am trying to use an AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate for an AVURLAsset. However, Content-Length is not known at the start. To overcome this, I tried several methods: Set content length as nil, in the AVAssetResourceLoadingContentInformationRequest Set content length to -1, in the ContentInformationRequest Both of these cause the AVPlayerItem to fail with an error. I also tried setting Content-Length as INT_MAX, and setting a renewalDate = Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 5). However, that seems to be buggy. Even after updating the Content-Length to the correct value (e.g. X bytes) and finishing that loading request, the resource loader keeps getting requests with requestedOffset = X with dataRequest.requestsAllDataToEndOfResource = true. These requests keep coming indefinitely, and as a result it seems that the next item in the queue does not get played. Also, .AVPlayerItemDidPlayToEndTime notification does not get called. I wanted to check if this is an expected behavior or is there a bug in this implementation. Also, what is the recommended way to stream audio of unknown initial length from local file system? Thanks!
How Does iPhone 15+ (USB-C) Support UVC Devices? Is MFi Certification Required?
In the past, when using Lightning, many external devices had to go through MFi certification. However, since the iPhone 15 switched from Lightning to USB-C, is MFi certification still required? Our company has developed several UVC devices, and we have confirmed that iPads can read frames from external cameras through the external device type in AVFoundation. However, this is not supported on iPhones. We are currently exploring feasible ways to enable UVC device support on iPhones. Is MFi certification the only option? If so, is the MFi certification process for USB-C the same as it was for Lightning? Does it still require purchasing an MFi chip and manufacturing specially designed USB-C cables?
"Conduct marketing and request technological support."
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to receive a 2018 iMac, and I’ve been using it to create content for my social media. I was truly impressed by the power of its processors. Even with this older model, I’ve been able to grow my presence online—something I couldn’t achieve with newer computers from other brands that I previously purchased. I would love to become a promoter of your brand in the gaming world. All I ask for is technological support with more recent equipment and a minimal payment for collaborating with you. I am genuinely interested in being part of your company and leveraging the potential and reputation of Apple to reach even greater heights.
Error codes -1102 and 1852797029 when entering the background playing HLS assets
In our logging tools (Firebase) I see a lot of errors reported when users are playing content and the app transitions to the background. A AVPlayerItemFailedToPlayToEndTime notification is fired with an error containing error codes like -1102 and 1852797029 which seem to correspond to NSURLErrorNoPermissionsToReadFile and kCMIOHardwareIllegalOperationError respectively. To me, it looks like these might have something to do with caching logic. The items being played are HLS streams and we make use of AVAssetDownloadTask to make any streamed content offline available. Our setup is similar to the sample provided here: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfoundation/using-avfoundation-to-play-and-persist-http-live-streams. Whenever an item is selected for playback the app will check if a cached version is available and if so gets the url to the stored file like the "localAssetForStream()" method in the example, or get the asset from a currently running AVAssetDownloadTask for the item, or else, starts a new AVAssetDownloadTask and returns a AVAsset from that task to play. This seems to work fine, and I can't reproduce the issues our users and our logging tools are reporting. Is there some case I am missing where AVAssetDownloadTask and associated AVAssets might become unreadable when the app transitions to the background? Or do these errors indicate a different problem entirely?