New update for Apple Watch broke the watch
Same thing happened to me. IPhone 11 and Apple Watch 3. Apple Watch update killed the watch. I’m in the same vicious loop. After a weekend of trying I found this post. Any advice would be helpful. I don’t think Apple is trying to break older stuff with their “updates”
I literally just had the exact same problem with this new update! Apple what’s going on? I’m honestly kinda upset cause I love y’all’s products and I feel like I just got screwed…
Same, update with iPhone 12 Pro Max on Apple Watch 3. Darn thing flashed white and is completely dead. Only had it a year. Is this what I should expect if I get a new one?
This also happened to me and I even have the Apple Watch 6 series. Apple wants to charge me $369, more than the watch to send it to get fixed (2 weeks out of warranty and however long before the 7 is released) when it was a software issue out of my control. I feel like Apple has been in litigation for this previously? You would think they would get it together.
I wish I had searched before I updated but never would’ve thought this would happen. The exact same thing happened to me. First it said not enough space even though I took everything off the watch which I was fine with but then I noticed there was what I thought was different update that was only 1 GB. So I let it try to update. It was on the charger and everything and it went to that screen with the exclamation point. I did the reset and then took it to the store as instructed. As I figured they just wanted me to pay $159 to try to fix what they broke. Such a ‘gip. I guess like they throttled the phones. Right in time for the holiday sales, my basic Series 3 now will have to be forced to an upgraded watch that I really didn’t need.
Same here. iPhone X and Apple Watch Series 2. I thought maybe the battery has reached it limit coz it’s been a few years and I’ve used it a lot. Then the more I think about it the more it doesn’t feel right because just a days ago it still worked alright. Then I found this post. I wish Apple would fix it.
Just happened to me. The weirdest thing was I didn’t even install and launch the software update, but all of a sudden my apple watch 3 cannot be turned on and shows a red exclamation mark when I force restart it. Taking it to the Apple Store for a check, but it won’t make sense for them to charge me a repair fee when it was working perfectly fine a day ago and I didn’t do anything to it. The software updates shouldn’t be forced on the device if Apple can’t support it properly.
I am currently facing the same issue. My series 3 is immaculate not a scratch! I was advised by Apple to update my watch to be able to use all functions. After that the watch displayed the red exclamation mark, after a hard reset it now only displays the Apple logo then disappears. I attended a Genius Bar appoint and the gentleman said it’s frustrating as people who do not care for their watches can get a new one in warranty. It’s infuriating that due to Apple my watch no longer works. I was told £174 repair (before VAT). I contact support via messenger and got asked to leave feedback via this link The warning was that series 1 will not support the new update not series 3!
Same with me, it is in a loop of restart series 3 watch. iPhone 12 phone. I have been happy with Apple but this puts a stain on their reputation. If they would fix it or give us a replacement that would be fair. Mine is a cellular version. But I am starting to think Apple does not care. Mine worked perfectly until this update. That is on Apple. This is quality issue we should not be penalized for by having to spend more money. I have spoke with their online reps and went to a local store. Still no resolve. Come on Apple step up and do the right thing. We spend 1,000’s of dollars individually buying products, fixing it doesn’t hurt u a bit. Except maybe your pride a little. Hopefully they do something soon. Brand loyalty can be broken on thing like this.
Hi there,
You might have better luck asking this question over in Apple Support Communities run by Apple Support.
Check out this post.
I have just had an update and my watch so dead ! It’s the 6 and my phone is a 13