cornerRadius and strikethrough not work in Widget,Xcode 12.1

I'm creating a widget by SwiftUI and WidgetKit, I find that when I used Xcode12-beta version,the cornerRadius modifier with Image and the strikethrough with Text work,but it has no effect in Xcode12.1 ,anyone can help?thanks
Yes, that happened for me as well. Also the opacity, trim etc modifiers does not work! This happened when I updated from Xcode 12.0 to 12.1. Everything was working perfectly before the update. I had to redesign my widgets and take away some functionality. Really disappointing! However, I read somewhere on this forum that macOS Big Sur may solve these problems. Haven't tried the beta myself so I can't verify it.

Edit: Found the other thread
Did you test again with Xcode 12.2 ? GM (sorry, RC) is available now.
cornerRadius and strikethrough not work in Widget,Xcode 12.1