Ram usage of iOS simulator on M1

I just got the M1 MBA with 8 GB of ram and tried to set up my dev environment for my hobby needs for iOS development. Everything is working fine, except for simulator which is reportedly using 5 GB of memory. This is waay more than on my intel mac that used 900mb to run. Does anyone have any experience regarding this? Can i configure the simulator to use less ram somehow or is something else wrong?

The ram usage stated above is right after booting up the simulator on both machines and the ram usage readings are from iStat menus. Activity monitor is really hard to use to track ram usage when there are multiple processes involved so I can't really confirm it completely there, but the swap usage skyrockets as well when starting the simulator so I can at least confirm that something is using way too much ram when starting the simulator.
I too am having this issue. Brand new base-spec m1 air I got yesterday. Running vscode insiders with Flutter, Simulator and a browser tab open with a tutorial video, my browser tabs are reloading due to running out of RAM. Did you find a solution to this? Thanks.
Can anyone confirm this?

yeah me too... chrome with 7 tab (one of them youtube for music) & vsCode Insider & Simulator => laggy music when processing something and even more laggy when i added up one more simple app. My solution for now only turn off siri, delete my XD (switch to phone/ pad for now) and some maintenance utilities. Need a ram management on emulator please (Tv T~
Same thing over here. I'm just running the simulator, Android Studio, and one youtube tab to listen to music. I keep getting a message from Android Studio saying that the 'IDE is running low on memory' :(:(

I too facing the same issue, In my New M1 MacBook Pro base variant iOS simulator consumes more RAM compared to intel variants.

You guys are getting 5gb usage? My simulator is taking 10Gb of my M1 Pro ? any fixes ?

I doubt this is going to be fixed. having the same issue on MacBook 2021 Pro with 16gb of RAM

My simulator takes more than 10GB 🥲

Ram usage of iOS simulator on M1