I've been working this problem for a couple of days and decided to ask for help. The use case is that I have two Core Data Entities (in CloudKit) which have a relationship between them. In the updating of one entity, I am trying to add the related entity by adding the result from a user selection, via a picker.
The issue I am facing is that I can't get the picker to return the record as the selection - it's always null. I have developed the following test code to highlight the specific case. The picker populates and I can make it return anything other than the actual record - but to insert in the relationship, I need the record itself. Here is the picker test code. Selection is ALWAYS empty.
I would appreciate direction.
The issue I am facing is that I can't get the picker to return the record as the selection - it's always null. I have developed the following test code to highlight the specific case. The picker populates and I can make it return anything other than the actual record - but to insert in the relationship, I need the record itself. Here is the picker test code. Selection is ALWAYS empty.
I would appreciate direction.
Code Block struct TestView: View { @Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var viewContext @FetchRequest( sortDescriptors: [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Player.familyName, ascending: true)], animation: .default) private var players: FetchedResults<Player> @State var selection: Player? var body: some View { VStack{ Picker("", selection: $selection){ ForEach(players, id: \.self){ (player: Player) in Text(player.givenName!).tag(player.self) } } Text(((selection?.familyName ?? "default"))) Text("\(players.count)") } }}
Hey @kennedycraig,
I had many problems with pickers myself, so I have good news for you, it's an easy fix.
Wait for it.....
....."selection" shouldn't be optional.
Yep. Thats it.
Initial "selection" value, has to be one of the "player" values.
I modified your code example, to give you a small hint:
Hope I helped,
Stay safe!
I had many problems with pickers myself, so I have good news for you, it's an easy fix.
Wait for it.....
....."selection" shouldn't be optional.
Yep. Thats it.
Initial "selection" value, has to be one of the "player" values.
I modified your code example, to give you a small hint:
Code Block import SwiftUIimport CoreDatastruct ContentView: View { @FetchRequest private var players: FetchedResults<Player> @State private var selection: Player init(moc: NSManagedObjectContext) { let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<Player> = Player.fetchRequest() fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \Player.familyName, ascending: true)] fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(value: true) self._players = FetchRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest) do { let firstPlayer = try moc.fetch(fetchRequest) self._selection = State(initialValue: firstPlayer[0]) } catch { fatalError("Uh, fetch problem...") } } var body: some View { VStack{ Picker("", selection: $selection){ ForEach(players) { (player: Player) in Text(player.givenName ?? "") .tag(player) } } Text(selection.familyName ?? "No family name") Text("\(players.count)") } }}
Hope I helped,
Stay safe!