Apple Configurator for iOS not detected on mac

I have been trying to enroll in a new mac device using the apple configurator app. On the select country/region page I brought my iPhone with the configurator app open closer to the mac but it wasn't detected.

The round orb was not shown and I couldn't scan anything. Kindly help on how to resolve this


On the Mac, have you definitely gone beyond the "Language" selection screen, to the "Select your Country or Region" screen?

Apple say:

To add a Mac to your organization:

  1. Navigate to the "Select your Country or Region" screen in Setup Assistant on the Mac.
  2. Bring the iPhone that's running Apple Configurator near the Mac.
  3. Use the iPhone to scan the image that appears on the Mac, or enter the six-digit PIN manually.
  • Yea, am currently on the Select your Country or Region screen and that's when I tried bringing the configurator app closer but to no avail

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I have the same problem on MacBook Air M1. I'm trying to bring the iPhone 6s with 15.2 iOS with the Apple Configurator app closer and nothing happens :-/

I have the exact same problem. Trying to register a MacBook Air M1 and on the “Select Your Country or Region” screen there is no change when I bring my iPhone running Apple Configurator near to it. I’ve got latest ver for phone and tried it with a few different phones.

I found a solution. The new MacBook Air M1 came with macOS Big Sur. You need to upgrade to macOS Monterey. It works! The requirement is macOS 12.0 or later.

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  • I initially tried adding with macOS Big Sur but it wasn't recognizing on the app on the "choose your country" window
  • I've upgraded the macOS to Monterey and it DID NOT recognize it either
  • Can someone please guide to some troubleshooting steps?