Shared Records don't appear when app is in Production

After sharing the records through iCloud, when I run the app on Xcode I can see them, but when I run it either on TestFlight or from App Store it doesn't work. The shared records aren't fetched. This has been going on for months.


Perhaps you didn't set up subscriptions in Production? You might have set them up in Development, then neglected to do in Production as well.

  • Thank you for the suggestion! I did them from code however, not dashboard so I believe that isn't the problem for me. I've also deployed my container to Production already.

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When you say "it doesn't work", can you clarify what exactly you're doing, what you're expecting to see, and what you are seeing instead?

When Alice and Bob are sharing a record and Alice changes something in that share, Bob will only see the change automatically if there's a subscription set up for it. If you are expecting a notification about the change, and you're seeing it work in Development but not in Production, verify that you have in fact established a subscription in Production.

If, on the other hand, you are attempting to fetch a shared record with what should be a reliable recordID and this works in Development but not in Production, then it might be something else.

  • Yes so, it's exactly the second thing you said, it's not about the notifications. The problem is that the same shared records that are fetched from the Xcode version without any problems are not fetched in Production.

  • What's the error you're seeing when fetching the Production records?

  • Since the error only occurs from TestFlight and App Store, I can't really use the console to see what it is at the moment.

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Just to explain even further: the Private Records are always fetched, both in Xcode and in TestFlight/App Store, while the Shared Records, get only fetched in the Xcode version but never in Production (TestFlight/App Store). I've experienced this issue since they worked on iCloud with the new iOS15.

Still no answer from the Feedback Assistant and the issue is still persistent.