Passbook Files


Sorry for the lame question but just getting here.

Is there any tutorials on how to create passbook files here or is there a fee attached to it ?

Been looking high and low found some tutorials but nothing working 😟


Thank you


Well, the first step you have obviously taken: You need to be a registered Apple developer in order to get the certificates required for signing the pass files.

The rest needs to be set up by yourself – if your pass-generating machine runs OS X, Apple provides a set of example files as well to get you started.

In general, you need to decide in advance, how much functionality you will need:

Do you simply want provide pass coupons e.g. for a promotion, where “the more people come, the better it gets”, you’ll be fine off, just implementing pass generation.

If, however, you plan to have some sort of control over pass redemtion (i.e. unique passes like tickets or prepaid vouchers) you will implement some validation infrastructure on your won.

If you want to keep already distributed passes up-to-date or keep an eye on how adoption is going, you will want to implement a pass web service according to the documentation provided.

Finally, in case you also want to update distributed passes remotely and inform pass holders about updates that have been made to their pass, you will need to implement Apple’s Pass Push procedure in addition to the web service. Though, keep in mind, that push updates are always optional and do neither work every single time, nor will they be permitted by all pass holders on their devices.

Passbook Files